Chapter 11

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Katie's pov:
In case you haven't figured it I now sleep in Joe's room. We don't do anything, I'm not ready for that, it would be my first time. I just think it would be silly to sleep in Caspar's room when I can sleep in my boyfriends room. I was straightening my hair for no reason in particular. I felt Joe wrap his arms around my waist. "I love you." he said kissing my neck. My cheeks blushes and I smiled wide with butterflies in my stomach."I love you more." I said placing the straightener down and turning around to face him face to face. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood slightly on my tip toes and place my lips onto his. I brushed my fingers through his hair as he pulled me closer. We pulled away. "We need to tell the viewers." he said pulling away and looking down."yeah.." i said in return. "do you want to film it now." he asked pulling back into a hug. I just nodded
"Hello everybody, Today I am here with... My girlfriend" "hi!!" I said cheerfully. "now, not only is she my sister but she is also Caspar's sister." he said smiling at me. "Now I bet you guys are wondering how we met? Well this is how!" I started.
"Now I know some people won't approve but please, keep the hate to a minimal. We love each other and we make each other happy and in the end that's all that matters." He stated whilst staring at me smiling. I smiled back. "Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this weeks video if you did give this video a thumbs up and I will see you guys next week with a Sugg Sunday Special!" He turned his camera off and turned to kiss me. "Let's go prank Caspar." i whispered into Joe's ear. "what are we going to do?" He asked. I thought for a little bit but then my eyes went wide. "I can say I'm pregnant... but it's not yours." i said laughing already imagining his reaction in my head. "yes let's get a fake pregnancy test!" He added. I laughed even harder and nodded "lets go pick one up!" I laughed and took his hand a ran upstairs.
"Caspar can Joe and I talk to you." i asked pretending to be nervous. I could spot the hidden camera. "yeah whats up he said sitting down on the couch. I took the pregnancy stick out of my pocket and handed it to him. He looked at it eyes wide. "you!" He jumped up and shouted loudly pointing his finger at Joe. I stepped in front of his finger. "It's not his." I looked down. "what?" Joe and Caspar asked at the same time. "I was drunk! I didn't know what was happening!" I put my hands up in the air and let a few fake tears fall. "Katie do you realise how screwed up this is? How could you do that to Joe. " Caspar asked with anger still in his voice. I looked at Joe who was sitting on the couch hands in his hands pretending to cry but hiding his laugh at the same time. "Caspar I don't know what to do! What about my subscribers! Everything's ruined! I can't be a mom I'm not ready!" I cried and fell to my knees head in my hands. 'I am so good at acting' I thought to myself. Caspar was pacing back and fourth around the room. "God Katie, I don't know what to tell you!" he said running his hands through his hair. "I can't keep it Casp." I said "what do you mean Katie? You can't just get "rid" of it!" He replied. "no Casp I mean I can't keep it because I'm not pregnant! It was a prank!" I started laughing and Joe stood up laughing/ crying. I pointed to the camera still laughing. He was confused and dumbfounded. "Katie! You can't do something like that!" He said laughing and punching my shoulder. "it's payback!" I said dancing and running to the camera and picking it up and pointing to his face. "God Casp, your too easy!" Me and Joe said laughing. I love these boys so much.

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