Chapter 15

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(Quick chapter on Lauren and Caspar pov!)
Lauren's pov:
What the hell just happened. "Joe what the hell?" I pushed him off. "Shit! Your not Katie!" He replied with widened eyes. "Last time I checked, No" I said annoyed. God this is so messed up! Kat's gonna hate me and so is Caspar! I need to talk to them! I heard cheering as I turned to look at the stage. She saw. Next thing I know she was gone, so was he. "Joe what are we going to do!" I asked really scared. "I'm so sorry! But I need to talk to her." Was the last thing he said before he ran off. I could hear the music fade out as my breathing became slightly heavier. I just cheated on Caspar with his best friend. Who just so happened to be dating mine. What did I just get myself into? Well technically I didn't ask for this. God I'm such a horrible friend! I searched for my phone in my purse. I tried calling Caspar, Nothing. Same with Katie. I left messages for Katie. I walked home tearing up because everything isn't how it should be. Caspar probably hates me. I need to get ahold of him. But how? How am I going to get him to forgive me. I sent Caspar a couple more text.
I need to talk to you!
Please don't ignore me It's not what it looks like!
Can I see you?
I waited for an answer that I knew wouldn't come but when I laid down my phone went off.
I'm at the hotel lets talk here.
Caspar replies. A wave of relief flooded me, yet it was soon replaced with nerves. I have to choose my words carefully, I need to make sure he isn't mad at me or Joe.
The whole walk was just filled with me thinking of what to say. I guess I have to wing it.
I knocked on the door with shaky hands. Caspar walked out and shut the door behind him. I did my best to wipe off the mascara stains from a few hours before. I couldn't help myself, I pulled him into a tight hug afraid that this could be the last. Unfortunately that hug wasn't returned. I pulled apart and wiped a stray tear off my cheek. "Can I please explain?" I ask quietly. He nodded for me to continue but with no expression on his face. " I was talking with this girl but then I was spun around and then my lips were on Joe's but then when we pulled apart he looked at me confused and said and I quote 'shit you're not Katie.' I said no and we looked over and saw you and Kat staring and then next thing I know you were gone. I didn't kiss him, He didn't know it was me! This whole thing was just a huge misunderstanding and " I let out a deep breath. "stupid." I finally finished rambling but he just looked taken aback. If their was one thing I would change about Caspar it would be that he would show what he was feeling. He was so good at hiding them.

Caspar's pov:
I wanted to punch him. I felt so many emotions. Hurt, anger, flabbergasted. How could they do that to me? To Katie? Next thing I knew we were on stage. I was so worried Katie was going to see. She doesn't need this, especially on our birthday. God this day isn't going how it was supposed to. I looked back at Lauren who had a confused face then back to Katie who looked like she had been shot. Her skin instantly went pale. We blew out the candles and then I was jerked into the opposite direction. I followed Katie outside. Everything was happening so fast I had no idea what to feel. But what I did know was that I couldn't Fall apart, Katie needed me. I pulled her into my arms and hugged her tightly.
"Stupid" Lauren finished explaining. I pulled her close to me and placed my lips onto her's. It was the only thing I could manage. I love her I really do. I can't lose her. She means so much to me to let her go over something so stupid. An honest mistake. "I love you" I said as we broke apart. This is the first time we have ever said this to each other. I started to worry as she paused with her eyes wide. I shouldn't have said that. "I love you!" She exclaimed and kissed me one last time. We pulled apart out of breath. She looked at me with relief. I brought her into a hug signaling I would never leave her.

Lauren's pov:
I walked home with a smile on my face. He loves me. I got to my bed and laid down. The one problem that I forgot when I was with Caspar came back into my head. I need to talk to Katie still. Memories of when we kids were all I thought about. I shut my eyes and told myself to worry about that tomorrow.
I woke up the next morning with a text.
Joe explained everything, were still together! I'm so sorry I was mad at you for no reason. I knew you wouldn't do that on purpose. -kat
I let out a sigh of relief.
Don't worry about it Kat, if anything I'm sorry! I Replied and then locked my phone and went back to sleep. I love sleep.
Hope you enjoyed this rare chapter! Katie's pov will be back next chapter! P.s. Thank you guys for so many reads!

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