Chapter 10

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"Joe give it back!" I shouted chasing him upstairs. He stole my phone and is threatening to upload this horrible picture of me. He kept laughing and running in circles around the sofa with me right behind him. He ran into the restroom and locked the door. I heard my phone go off and Joe's laughing stopped. I heard the lock unlock and saw the doorknob turn and the door open revealing a rather pissed Joe. "when were you going to tell me?" He asked heartbroken. "Joe it's not what it looks like." I said knowing exactly what he was talking about. "I didn't know how to tell you! I didn't want to hurt you." I said tears welling up. "Do you have to go back home? Stay. Stay with me and Caspar!" Joe pleaded. "Joe this is a really big step in our relationship are you sure were ready?" I asked. "I don't know Katie, but you know what I do know? I know that I cannot be without you. And you not being here It's the worst form of torture anyone could put me through. Please, please just consider it." he begged. A couple of tears rolled down my cheek and He pulled me into a hug. "Okay." i replied. "Okay?!" He asked in disbelief. "yes Joe. I'll stay." I said. Did I make the right decision? To be honest i don't care, I think I love him. Love. I never thought I have these feelings. I feel so giddy and happy around him. My heart would always race and his presence just made me feel complete. Everything's happening so fast but I was enjoying the ride. He pulled me into a kiss letting the energy soak through my body. It was at this moment I knew I made the right choice, because not being able to feel this on a daily basis scared me. And I wasn't about to throw away the best thing that has happened to me.

2 months later

I woke up and saw rose petals everywhere. I knew what today was and so did Joe.Today was our 3 month anniversary. I noticed Joe wasn't anywhere to be seen however I noticed a note laying next to me. I opened it up still half asleep. "Good Morning beautiful, Happy three months, In store for you today is something fun, but you need to get several things done. Follow the petals to your first clue, Then you will find something blue." I smiled so wide. I jumped out of bed and followed the petals that led upstairs. On the kitchen counter their was a long jewelry box. I walked up to it and opened it to reveal a beautiful blue heart necklace.
It was perfect. I almost teared up. Next to the box was another note. I picked it up and read it.
"Now cinderella in order to find me , you will have to find three. Three of what you may ask, well its just a simple task. Just find three things that remind you of me. Once that is done, the fun has just begun. Place those three things onto our bed, then look underneath for your special treat."
I smiled wide. I ran down to our room and went to his wardrobe and found his cologne and placed it onto the bed. His scent always made me feel right at home. The next thing I searched for was his glasses for average Joe. Those always made me smile even when I was sad. Last but not least I grabbed his camera. It always made me smile to see how passionate he was towards youtube. I looked under the bed and pulled out a much larger box with a note taped on top. I opened the box, my eyes went wide. It was the perfect white summer dress. I picked up the note and opened it. "Congrats babe! Theres one more thing, do you know where we hide the booze? Look there to find your shoes." I giggled at his silly rhyme. I ran upstairs and opened the cabinet where the "booze" was at. Next to it were a pair of blue heels. They were the most beautifulest shoes I have ever seen in my life. I picked up the note next to it.
"Congrats You did it , but there is one last thing Can you find me? Go to where we were that night, staring at the stars.
Thats where ill be, waiting patiently, to see my beautiful queen. (p.s where your gifts. 😉 ) " I ran to get dressed as quick as I could. I walked to the park not forgetting Joe's present in my hand. As soon as I arrived I noticed him standing by a tree. I smiled and made my way towards him. Once he noticed me his eyes went wide. "you are by the sweetest person I have ever known." I said walking towards him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a kiss. sending tingles down my body. "I try." he said smirking. "Here you go." i handed him his gift. He opened the box and his eyes went wide at the sight of his brand new watch and cologne and tickets to a soccer game for his favorite team. "Thank you!" He exclaimed. "thank you!" I said looking down at me dress. "you know Katie, Ive been thinking..." he trailed off. Worry filled my body. "I love you." he breathed out. My eyes went wide and my worries vanished. I could hear my heart beating out of my chest. I knew I felt the same way, I have since the beginning. But having him say it out loud makes it all so real and I love it. I love him. "I love you!" I said in return. He leaned down slightly and kissed me. I'm in love with Joe Sugg and whats crazier is he is in love with me.

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