Chapter 9

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Katie's pov:
I woke up in the warmth of Joe. My boyfriend. That has a nice ring to it doesn't it! I felt Joe shift slightly with me still wrapped into his arms. I turned to face him placing a kiss on his nose. I could get used to this. Last night was the best night sleep I have ever had. The way our bodies felt next to each other allowing the warmth radiate off one another was just amazing. It felt like I was in a bubble where no one could ever pop it, like we were living in our own little world and nothing could ruin this. I continued to stare at him just allowing myself to take in his beauty. I closed my eyes once more before I grabbed my phone and looked at the clock. It was 8 am. Too early for me. I had nothing to do today which was pretty much the same everyday. But something was different about today. This is the first official day of our relationship. Maybe we could lie in bed all day and cuddle and watch movies. I put my phone back down and snuggled into Joe hoping to squeeze in another hour or two before he woke up. His arms tightened and I smiled to my self. He must've thought I was leaving. I shut my eyes and drift to sleep once more.
I felt a hand stroke my cheek resulting in me scrunching up my nose. I opened my eyes to see Joe's bright blue eyes on mine. I smiled. "good-morning Beautiful." he said placing a kiss on the tip of my nose. "you missed." I said being cheeky. He leant down and brought his lips to mine. I smiled into the kiss. We pulled apart. "Why do you have to be so perfect?" He asked. "I'm not." i state simply. "you are to me, *your not average ,Katie. Not even close. And I don't know how I could have possibly lived with out you." staring deep into my eyes he rubbed his thumb on my cheek making my blush more obvious. "I don't know what I did to deserve you." I stated simply. Our legs intertwined along with our fingers. My head was now laying on his chest whilst he played with my hair with his free hand. "Let's go make some breakfast." he said. "okay, just let me brush my teeth." he nodded and walked off to brush his as well.

When I got upstairs it was practically empty. I guess everyone went home last night. I went to grab the pancake mix and poured some into a bowl along with some milk and cinnamon. Although it sounds strange it's actually tastes like heaven. I started mixing. I felt two arms wrap around my waist along with Joe's head peering over my shoulder. He turned me around and placed a light kiss onto my lips making my heart beat speed up. How he can make this happen to me, I don't have a clue. Overwhelming?* Yes. but My heart was enjoying the ride too much. In over my head? More like drowning and loving it. "Here let me." he said as he broke the kiss. He grabbed the whisk from my hand and stirred. I grabbed a pan and some butter, I then turned the stove on placing the pan on top and placed a bit less than a dollop of butter into it. I watched as it melted slowly. It reminded me of how my heart melts when i'm around Joe. Cringe. I know but it's true and I loved it. I bumped the side of hip into Joe's signaling him to move. He over exaggerated and pretended to fall. I laughed and held out my hand. Once he grabbed it he pulled down making me stumble and land on top of him. We kissed like no one was watching but someone was. "umm guys." we broke the kiss and looked over to see everyone who was over last night standing in the kitchen. I quickly stood up as did Joe and everyone else just chuckled to themselves. "looks like we need to make more pancakes." Joe whispered into my ear earning a giggle. I went back to the cupboards and pulled out the pancake mix once more and tossed it at him. Luckily he caught or else it would have fallen all over the floor.
After everyone ate they went home, Caspar and Lauren went to do their own thing leaving Joe and I alone. "here you go." I handed Joe the popcorn and walked back to the kitchen to grab to sodas. I sat down right beside Joe. I set the drinks onto the table and leaned back into his arm. "what movie did you pick?" I asked. "one of my favorites!" He said. "Finding Nemo?" I asked. He just nodded like a kid. "You know I can quote this right?" I asked unashamed of my ability to quote absolutely every movie I have seen. "really?" I nodded "since I was a kid!" I said proud. He shook his head in disbelief. "you just watch!" I said knowing that at least half way through the movie he would be annoyed. At least Caspar always was.
"Told you." I said standing up and bowing. He played along and clapped. "I should have never underestimated you, I'm sorry." he laughed standing up and pulling me into a hug. He placed his forehead on mine and kissed me.

* : A sentence from The Promise of Amazing by Robin Constantine

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