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The night came by too fast. The three of us sat in the car while we prepared ourselves. I opened my suitcase in the backseat of Daisukes car, revealing all of my gadgets and my gun. I pulled the gun out and slid in it in my holster on my hip. I pulled out a few gadgets like my ear piece. Haru watched in amazement. He looked up at me and I ignored him, continuing to adjust myself. I look up, realizing he was still watching me.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Just curious, but I thought spies only...you know.."

"Spy?" I chuckled, while a small playful smile curled on my lips. Haru exhaled, then placed a hand on his forehead.

"Sorry that was rude to ask."

I shrugged my shoulders. "Not the first time someone asked. But yeah, I'm also considered a secret agent if we want to get technical, but I focus more on just stealing information in the shadows. I do, however, prepare myself in case I get caught in some cross-fire.

Daisuke smirked as he listened to me. Haru noticed Daisuke's smirk and had a confused and weird look on his face. I open the car door and step out. Haru and Daisuke follow my lead. I walk over to Daisuke and place a hand on his chest, stopping him from walking any more. Daisuke looks down at the hand, his heart slightly pounded harder by the touch. I felt the sudden hard beats and quickly pull my hand away.

"You stay here."

Daisuke chuckled. "Excuse me?"

"I'm not risking blowing this operation by your...antics."

Daisuke steps forward, making the space between us smaller, and he leans in grinning in amusement. He was teasing me, but the serious expression on my face gave him a warning to not go there.

"Fine." He said. He lingers a few seconds longer and then steps away. Haru grew annoyed watching our interaction. He clears his throat and walks in front of Daisuke, blocking the two of us.

"Shall we head in?"

I nod, leading the way to the security booth Liz said to hide in. The tiny booth had less space than I thought, but they both made it work.

"Daisuke, can you hear me?" I whispered. I used my hidden mic in my bra to speak as well as having a ear piece in to hear him. I gave both the men the same equipment.


His voice sounded calm. I assumed he would be mad about being left out, but I didn't care at this moment. I lean across Haru, causing him to flush, and place a camera right outside the booth, disguised as a crushed empty soda can. I pull myself back up, noticing Haru's face which causes me to giggle.

"Relax. I don't bite." I said in a sultry tone, which caused Haru to take a deep breath.

Trying to clear his thoughts, he focuses on the objective and changes the subject.

"So...a soda can camera?" He asked.

I knew it seemed ridiculous, but it got great results for me.

"When you have a young teen create equipment, it sometimes gets a little weird. It is however very effective in staying hidden. No one ever suspects it."

Haru nods. The two of us stay silent as we hear some trucks approaching the docking area. Looking down at the handheld monitor, I watch as a couple men get out of the trucks and open the back doors of the trailers. Haru and I notice many secured boxes inside.

The men stand together and start to discuss something. As I switch channels to the hidden mic's and cameras at the dock doors, I turn up the volume and freeze when I see a familiar figure walk up to them men.

The Spy and The Detective (Daisuke Kambe x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now