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I stare at myself in the mirror as I adjust my dress. I decided to wear minimal makeup due to the tears ruining it three times already. Thankfully I had waterproof mascara. I look down at the ring on my finger and clutch my other hand around it. He was going to be my husband...and I his wife. We would've bought a small house in the countryside and had a couple kids. We were going to grow old together. This wasn't supposed to happen.

"(Y/N)?" I hear a voice say behind me. I turn around and fight back the tears as my father stands in the doorway. I run over to him and wrap my arms around him. He holds me close and squeezes me, trying to comfort me the best he could. I back away while still holding his hands and look up at him as the tears fall again. My father frowns and wipes the tears off my cheeks with his thumb. "It's about to start." He said. I nod and follow him out of the room. I brace myself, knowing everyone would look at me. I take a deep breath and follow my father into the room where everyone was. I look straight ahead at the coffin and freeze in place. My mother walks up to me and rubs my shoulder as my eyes focus on the open box that Luke laid in.

"Do you need anything sweetie?" My mother asked. "No." I said. My mother frowns and let's go of my shoulder. I start walking forward and feel all eyes on me as I make my way up to the coffin. As I'm walking towards it, a part of me wants to turn around and run away but I keep going forward until I am standing in front of it. Before looking inside I look over at the big picture of him. Another picture of the two of us together sat next to it. I clench my fists and look down at Luke's dead body. I choke back the sobs as I look at his pale skin and closed eyes.

The tears once again fall as I place my hand onto his cold cheek. I wished he would open his hazel eyes and I could see his bright smile. I wish I could hear his voice in person instead of recordings. He looked so peaceful laying there. I look down at this left hand and notice the ring that wrapped around his ring finger. My lips curl into a small smile as I grip the matching one on my finger. "My love..." I whisper to myself. My mother walks over to me with a box of tissues and hands me one. I wipe my eyes and nose and make my way over to Luke's parent's. They looked broken just like me. I embrace the both of them and try my best to comfort them, but in my mind I hated myself.

'It's all your fault (y/n).'


I look down and splash the cool water onto my face. I look up into the mirror while gripping the sink roughly, anger and sadness consuming me. I felt cursed...I felt like no matter how much good I could do for others, something bad will always follow. I crumble onto the floor and place my face into my hands as I cried. Why...why is this happening to me..? 

I clean myself up and made my way into the waiting room. Ryo looked up as I made my way over to him. I took the seat next to him and stared at the tv that was playing some soap opera. "Have you heard anything yet?" I asked him. 

"Suzue is doing fine. She fell asleep again though. I haven't heard anything else." He said. I sigh, leaning into my hand as I tried my best to keep my mind from drifting to negative thoughts. I was worried. A nurse walks over to us, causing me to jolt from my seat. She raises the chart in her hands and looks over it for a second. "How are they?!" I asked her. 

"Mr. Kato's surgery went great. He is in recovery now. Mr. Kambe and Ms. Onisha are still in surgery. Mr. Kambe is doing well right now but Ms. Onisha is in critical condition. The bullet punctured her lung and also hit a major artery so they are doing everything they can. I will keep you updated. For now you can visit Mr. Kato." She said. She turns around and makes her way back through the main doors she came from. Ryo and I follow her as she leads us to Haru's room. We step inside and walk over to the side of the bed where Haru slept. I was relieved that he was ok. I pull a chair over to sit next to him. I grab his hand and give it a small squeeze. 

"I'm so sorry Haru...I never meant to hurt you. I never meant to hurt anyone...I made the same mistake that I did with Luke and I will never forgive myself. I don't know what I would've done if you..." I said. Ryo sat in silence on the other side of the bed, looking down at Haru. It seemed like he was upset as well.

We sat there for hours, waiting on more news to come about Daisuke and Liz. Haru still slept so I decided to go visit Suzue. Suzue smiles at me as I make my way over to her. "(y/n)! I'm glad to see you're ok." She said. "I'm the reason you're hurt..." I said. Suzue frowns and holds her hand out to me. I place my right hand on hers and she pulls me towards her. "This wasn't your fault. There were many factors at play." She said to me. I shook my head, not wanting to accept that. "Everyone got hurt except for me. Onisha was going to shoot me." I said. 

"Onisha wanted the Kambe technology. He wanted the power and riches. Your family got dragged into a bad situation. You got dragged into a bad situation, but Onisha's main goal was to seize my family's work. Even if you never came to Japan, he still would've hurt all of us. Speaking of Onisha...is he..?" She said. 

"He's still alive. They took him into custody. He'll be going to prison for a long time." I said. Suzue sighed in relief as she leaned back into her pillow. 

"I'm so glad. The asshole deserves to rot." She said. 

"I'll make sure he does." I said. Suzue leans back up and looks at me apologetically. 

"I'm so sorry about your parent's." She said. I bit my lip and rubbed my hands together. 

"I am too...about your parents." I said. She smiled softly and held her arms out inviting me in for a hug. I smile and wrap my arms around her gently, making sure not to hurt her. 

"Can I tell you a secret?" She whispered into my ear. I raised my eyebrow and nodded my head. 

"I hope you stay here...in Japan." She whispered. My eyes widened in shock and the realization hit me that there was no longer a case. After everyone heals, there would be no reason for me to stay here. My life was in the states. My work, my home...but can I just go back to that life after all of this? I wasn't sure what would happen, but I knew I had to figure it out soon. 

The Spy and The Detective (Daisuke Kambe x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now