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I wrap my arms around my knees as I sit on the floor in front of the fireplace. I watched the flames dance, only hearing the crackling of the wood. Suzue and everyone were asleep since it was very late. I told Daisuke to leave me alone countless times, but he refused and instead went to look for some bandaging for my cut.

Daisuke returns with some supplies. He was dressed in a t shirt and sweat pants similar to me. He sits next to me on the ground and looks down at the supplies confused. I tilt my head to the side and notice him hesitate to grab the items.

"Are you ok?" I ask.

He looks over at me and chuckles.

"I'm not exactly sure what to do. I've never treated a wound before." He said.

I grab the alcohol and pour some on a rag. I hand it to him and point to my cut.

"Clean the wound with that." I said.

He gently dabs my skin, cleaning the wound and dried blood from my skin. After he finishes, I grab some gauze and help him place it over the wound. We tape the gauze to my skin and I give him a pat on the shoulder.

"You've officially treated your first wound." I said playfully.

He sighs, staring at the fire in front of us.

"Tell me about Luke." He said.

I look at him confused. Why did he want to know about Luke?

"I rather not..." I said.

Daisuke ignored me and continued on with the conversation.

"He was your partner?" He asked.

I rub my legs with my hands as a small smile forms on my lips.

"Yeah. He was the top agent in the department. I followed behind him at second place, but he always said that we were both number one. We were a team. Inseparable." I said.

Daisuke stayed silent, waiting for me to continue. I sigh, turning my body to face him.

"Luke was...amazing. He made me feel alive. I never would be who I am today without him. He was my soul mate...when he died that day, I felt like part of my heart had been torn from my chest. Like my soul was split in two. Nothing was ever the same. I'm the reason that he died and that's something I will have to carry with me forever." I said.

"You didn't kill him (y/n)." He said.

I shake my head at him.

"But I did. Luke was more than capable of handling himself in that situation. I jumped in because I panicked and that was the biggest mistake to have in this field of work. Letting emotions control you will only end in despair. He would've been fine if I would've just stayed hidden and let him do his job. I acted out of fear of losing him. After he died. I vowed to not let my emotions control me anymore on missions...but look what happened. I broke that vow and now I have no idea what I'm going to do." I said.

"I know I'm not the best person to speak to about feelings and emotions, but I can say that you are driven and you are an outstanding agent....and yes, Luke meant everything to you. Your parents meant everything to you, but to give up so easily is just sad." He said.

"Heh...what do you even know about giving up? You have an A.I program that does most of the work for you, your sister basically does everything for you, and I've never seen you lose someone you love or in fact, even seen you go out with a girl. You pretend to date me but what the hell kind of fantasy are you trying to live?" I said.

Daisuke leans back on his hands and sighs. I knew I was being harsh with him, but he drove me crazy with how his lifestyle is.

"I grew up filthy rich. I barely do anything for myself and yes, I do have my A.I program and Suzue help me 24/7. I don't care about any damages and I evaluate people based on value. I believe money can solve everything. I don't understand your feelings and your actions and I don't care about Luke. I do however enjoy when you smile, and that has been very rare since I met you."

His words come off as smug and it takes every ounce of me to not comment back. He was a complex man who grew up as an heir to a huge company. If anyone was to blame for his behavior, it was his parents.

"This is the first time you have ever told me something about yourself." I said.

Daisuke laughs, a small grin forming on his lips.

"It's very rare for someone to intrigue me as much as you do." He said.

I bite my lip, staring down at my hands. I was enjoying talking to him like this. When I first met him, I wanted nothing to do with him, but now I could consider him a friend of sorts. I wanted to dig up what happened with the almost kiss we had, but I wasn't even sure what that was. And my moment with Haru confused me as well. These two men have been running through my mind along with Luke, my parents and Onisha.

Daisuke grabs my wrist and rubs the bracelet I wore. He looks up at me and smiles.

"You wore it.." He mumbled to himself.

I watch his thumb play with the mask charm, a smile planted on his lips. My heart pounds. What was he doing to me? When I am with Haru, it's like being with Luke. It makes me happy and sad at the same time...but with Daisuke..it's raw and new. The moment when he gave me the bracelet, I didn't think about Luke or anything. It was only Daisuke. I was terrified about this feeling. I had to keep it hidden and not let it escape. For the sake of my life and his. I wanted to keep him safe and never let what happened to Luke happen to him because of my emotions.

"I did....I didn't get a chance to thank you for finding it for me. I assumed I lost everything in the fire. I didn't want to get my hopes up." I said.

"You're welcome. Let's go get some sleep. We'll have to come up with a new plan tomorrow now that we know Onisha knows more than he's let on."

Daisuke stands up and holds out his hand to help me up. I walk behind him as we head on up to bed, my stomach feelings flutters as I watch him.

'How weird to start crushing on the arrogant, smug, stubborn....handsome rich man...huh.'

The Spy and The Detective (Daisuke Kambe x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now