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The next day I call my boss and inform him of everything that has happened. He wasn't too pleased to learn how my identity was blown or that I was "dating" Daisuke. There were just some things even he had to be oblivious about. Liz has blown up my phone this whole time in terms of asking for gossip and wishing she could be there with me. Honestly, I wish she was here. Having a familiar face from home would be great.

I wasn't sure of the next step to my mission. My cover was blown and I wasn't anywhere close to what Onisha was doing. I still wondered why Daisuke and I were doing this charade of dating so I decide to go bother him about it.

I knock on Daisuke's bedroom door, waiting for him to reply.

"Come in." He says.

As I stand there for a bit, I walk into the room. He stands there in gym clothing, which completely catches me off guard. I look up at him as he stares at me.

"Is there something you need Ms. (l/n)?" He asks. I walk over to him and help myself to sitting on his bed. I don't wait for his reaction and I just come out with what's on my mind.

"Since Onisha knows who I am, why are we still keeping up with this charade of dating?" I ask.

Daisuke shoved his hands into his dress pants pockets and leans against the wall. "Although he knows who you are, he still believes we are together which can be an advantage for us."

I look at him questionably. "How would that be an advantage?"

Daisuke sighs, looking off to the other side of the room. "My work doesn't know what I am doing behind their backs in order to get close to Onisha. I've managed to gain a tiny bit of trust from Onisha in order to find out what he's been up to. That's all you need to know."

Before I could question him more, he walks over to me and leans forward, his face inches from mine.

"You'll be accompanying me to a business meeting tomorrow morning with Onisha. I know it's so soon for you to see him again, but he is very interested in you as well so we'll have to use that." Daisuke said.

I raise my eyebrows, trying to read his expression. He was very hard to read, but I could tell there was something he wasn't telling me. I stand up and walk over to his bedroom door. I wanted to trust him fully, but there was something in my gut telling me he is keeping information from me. I grab the door frame and turn around to look at him.

"You aren't hiding anything from me, right?" I ask him.

His face stays expressionless until I catch a hint of hesitance from him. I huff in annoyance, look down at my feet. "Of course you are." I whisper to myself.

Before he can respond to me, I close the door behind me. I was pissed. What the hell was he planning?

I go to my bedroom and walk over to my bed. I lay down and pull out my phone. I text Haru asking if he would like to go out for lunch which he accepts. I quickly get ready and go to leave the house, but I'm stopped by a hand wrapping around my wrist. I quickly turn around and see that it's Daisuke.

"Where are you going?" He asks. I pull my arm away, staring up at him.

"I'm going to lunch with Haru." I said.
Daisuke glared at me confused but quickly shook it off.

"That's not a good idea." He said.

"And why is that?" I asked.

"He likes you. You like him. We're trying to pull off this couple act, so going out with him is going to put our cover in jeopardy." He said.

I roll my eyes, crossing my arms as I glare at him annoyed. "I don't need your permission to go out with a friend."

Daisuke takes a a couple steps towards me, backing me up against the door. I instinctively look down at his lips and then quickly back up at his eyes. Daisuke smirks, leaning into my neck and whispering in my ear.

"You sure you don't have a thing for Haru?" He said.

I try my best to not get flustered, but something about him made me feel like teenage girl in high school. I was usually so bold and so confident with me, but with Daisuke I got nervous. Right now, I was pissed at him since he was keeping secrets from me.

"Are you sure I can trust you?" I asked. Daisuke looks at my confused, then backs away from me.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"Don't play stupid. I specialize in reading people and I admit you're difficult to read, but I know you're hiding things from me. I'm not exactly sure what yet, but I will find out what it is." I snapped.

"...(y/n)" Daisuke said, reaching for my hand. I shove him back, opening the door the house and slamming it behind me. I wasn't about to be played by some

Haru and I meet at a local sandwich shop for lunch. We're seated outside since the weather is perfect. I take a sip of my water and notice Haru looking down at my bracelet. I give him a small smile and show him it. "My parent's gave me this."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to stare." He said.

"No no it's fine. Anyway's, how's work?" I ask him. He takes a bite of his sandwich and quickly chews it, swallowing before speaking.

"It's fine. Daisuke is his normal self. I do miss seeing you around though." He said, a small blush showing on his cheeks. My heart melts from his shyness. It was adorable. Guilt starts to swell inside me and a frown forms on my face. Haru catches it and waves his arms up. "It's fine! I didn't mean to upset you! I just..."

I grab his hands and lay them back down on the table. I linger in the moment and Haru gently pushes my hands away. "How are you and Daisuke doing?"

I forgot about Daisuke and I's act. I lean back and sigh. I wanted to tell Haru the truth, but for some reason I still trusted Daisuke.

"We're great. Just a little argument today, but other than that he's...amazing." I said.

Haru leans forward and nods his head taking in those words. "I hope he's ok with us doing this. That wasn't the argument, was it?"

I knew I couldn't tell him the truth, but I honestly wasn't sure if Daisuke's "boyfriend" side would approve of this, which didn't matter to me to begin with. I can have make friends...but I guess with Haru and I having something it would bother him..why do I care right now what he thinks of this?

"He's cool with it. We trust each other." I said, trying to believe my words.

"That's good. You're good for him. He talks about you at work with everyone." He said, taking a sip of his drink. My eyes widen as he says that.

"He talks about me?" I say in disbelief. Haru raises an eyebrow, confused.

"Yeah. He's always bragging about how impressive you are at your job, how beautiful you look when you aren't dressed up, how apparently you get scared super easily in the dark." He said, going on and on about the things that I never even thought of. I couldn't understand why Daisuke would tell people those things as if I'm something to brag about.

"I-I am not scared of the dark. I just hate jump scares and Suzue tends to show up out of the blue." I muttered. Haru'a eyes lit up when I said Suzue, making me observe his reaction. He seems to feel something for her, that feeling I have no idea. Maybe a crush? It kind of made me feel a bit better that he would possibly like her since I liked....

A sharp pain hits my shoulder. With no time to react, I fly back into the ground with my head smacking against the cement. I look straight ahead, the clouds slowly moving as I try to comprehend what was happening. My eyes start to get heavy, but before I pass out I manage to hear Haru tell me I'll be ok.

The Spy and The Detective (Daisuke Kambe x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now