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Onisha leads me into what looks to be a study. He takes me to the leather couch and has me sit. He walks over to the small bar and makes two drinks. I watch carefully to make sure he doesn't drug it, but he pours from the same bottle into both glasses. He walks over and hands me one, take a drink of his own.

"I'm curious Ms (u/n)...how does a woman like you find herself winning over Daisuke Kambe?" He asked.

I hold the cup, spinning it in my hands watching the alcohol swish inside.

"He's a very charming man...I'm more interested in you." I said.

I wanted to keep talking about myself to a minimum and focus more on Onisha. I stand up and place my drink down on the table. I make my way over to Onisha and run my hand up his arm. He watches me with fire in his eyes. I wrap my arms around his neck and stare into his eyes. He grabs my hips and pulls me against him.

"Mmm...there's not much to say. I'm a businessman myself." He said.

He kisses my neck, attempting to arouse me. I bite my tongue, holding back the urge to knee him in the teeth. I fake a moan and allow him to kiss further. He stops and take one strap of my dress and pulls it down. He glides his hand over my shoulder and placed his hand on my neck gently. I hesitate for a second...and he catches it.

"Don't worry baby. I won't hurt you...yet." He said.

He brings his lips to my own and before they meet, I turn my head and place a kiss on his neck. I grab the front of his shirt and push him onto the couch. I sit on top of him and push my hair to the side. He grins, grabbing my thighs and pulling me into him. I snake my hand down to my ankle where a small knife was hidden. I bite my lip, distracting him from my move and I quickly pull the knife out and hold it into his neck. I watch as his eyes are unchanged by the sudden move, causing me to become confused.

"Heh...you really are too naive babe." He said.

He grabs my wrist and twists it, causing the knife to fall to the ground. He grabs my neck and rolls us off the couch, causing him to land on top of me. I struggle in his grasp but I'm unable to break free. He devilish smirk causes a shiver down my spine.

"Do you really think I wouldn't know who you was, (y/n) (l/n)..?" He said.

He grabbed the knife and now held it against my neck. My eyes widen from his words, realizing I've been playing a fool this whole time. I grind my teeth, looking down at the blade that glides across my skin.

"If you're going to kill me, then do it." I spat.

He laughs, taking the knife and slicing my collarbone. I flinch at the pain, watching the blood drip down. He leans closer and smiles.

"Don't worry...I plan to. But not tonight. Tonight is supposed to be fun. You deserve a little bit of that after...right right. I had your parents home set on fire." He said.

I fought against his grip and broke free, planting a blow to his jaw with my fist. He groans from the sudden punch, stumbling back. I stand still, trying my best to keep my emotions inside.

"Don't forget Luke!!! You're the reason he is dead too!" I scream.

He stares at me with anger in his eyes. A small chuckle escapes his lips as he inches closer to me again.

"You mean the idiot boy shot by my men...because of you." He said.

I gasp in shock, stepping backwards as I try to find the door.

"You tried to be the hero and save him, but all it did was kill him. How does it feel to be the reason he is dead? My men could have easily let him go, but then you showed up and ruined that. Have you ever thought about what would've happened if you just stayed hidden? Luke may have been here still." He said.

I raise my eyebrows, trying to understand how he knew everything. He grins and continues to step closer to me. My back ends up against the wall.

"I've been watching you since that night. You're still the same, stubborn (y/n). You thought you could change your identity and hide from me? I had to teach you a little lesson. I had your parents murdered behind your back and you were so stuck in your own life that you completely ignored them. Then you watch Luke die and here you are, still making the same mistakes. It's a little sad and funny." He said.

Tears fall down my face and my body shakes from the rage that's fueled inside of me.

"I didn't kill anyone...YOU DID!" I scream.

Onisha quickly grabs my hair and slams me into the ground. I cry out, hoping someone would hear me. I shouldn't have done this. My emotions got the best of me and I wasn't able to focus. My mission failed, as did my revenge.

"K-kill me." I cry out.

Onisha pulls my hair up and watches as I admit defeat. He smiles at me and shakes his head.

"Oh...that would be way too easy. To reunite you to your loved ones? I rather watch you suffer as you have." He said.

He lets go of me and walks over to the door. He looks back at me once and more leaves the room, shutting the door behind me.

I lay on the floor and ball my hands into fists. I punch the floor, crying out.

"Fuck!!" I yell.

I failed. I wasn't even worried about the mission. I didn't care if Mr. Johnston scolded me for blowing my cover and letting Onisha get away. I wanted this man dead and it was now going to be extremely difficult to do so. I knew it was too good to be true. He has been watching me all this time as I tried to drown myself with work to ignore everything around me. How was he able to watch me? We had one of the highest levels of security...

I got myself up and walked over to bar area. I find a roll of paper towels and use some to clean off some of the blood. The top of my dress was stained with the blood, so I had to ignore it. I walk over to the door to open it but it opens on its own. Daisuke walks in and seems like he is about to yell at me, but stops when he looks down at the blood.

"It's not bad. Just a little cut." I said.

Daisuke walks over and lifts my chin, observing the cut on my collarbone. He frowns, letting go of my chin.

"What the fuck were you thinking coming up here alone with him?" He said.

"I...I thought I could.." I said, stumbling with my words.

"He could have killed you!" Daisuke yelled.

It was the first time I ever heard him raise his voice. I avoid his gaze, dropping the stained paper towel onto the ground. I threw my arms up, anger and sadness taking over me.

"So what!?" I yelled.

Daisuke grabs my wrists and pulls me to him.

"Are you on a suicide mission!? Do you even care what is going on? Is this about revenge? Tell me!" He said.

I shook my head and tried to break free from his grasp. My eyes glaze over and I look back up at him, defeated.

"I can't do this anymore! He won...what the hell is the point. He killed my parents and he...I killed Luke! I killed the love of my fucking life Daisuke! Because of my stubbornness. Because I worry too much and I care so fucking much..I don't deserve a damn thing." I cried.

I sob as Daisuke stands in silence. He picks me up bridal style, ignoring my struggle against it.

"I just want to go home..." I cried into his chest.

Daisuke leads me out of the room and ignores the stares of the crowd as he leads me outside. He pulls out his phone and calls for a driver. He doesn't let me go, allowing me to continue to cry into his chest.

"We're going home." He said.

The Spy and The Detective (Daisuke Kambe x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now