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A couple days go by from being in the hospital. I told the staff to not allow visitors so I wouldn't have to see anyone, especially Daisuke. His words replayed over and over in my mind. For a top agent, I was so oblivious to what was going on. I never felt this useless before.

I get discharged from the hospital and make my way to Daisuke's place to pack my things up. I wanted to get away from him, as far as possible. I pull out my phone and call Liz.

"(y/n)! Where are you?" Liz yells. I pull the phone away from my ear for a second, waiting for her to calm down. Once she does I press it back against my ear.

"I just got discharged from the hospital." I said.

"Are you going to Daisuke's place then? Sorry....I'm kind of tracking you right now." She said.

"Yeah. I'm packing up my things and getting a plane back home." I said.

"W-wait! You can't! What about the mission?" She said frantically.

I sighed, wondering how I was going to explain it to her.

"The mission is fake. I was lured here. I'm still not sure why, but apparently my parents are still alive and it has something to do with them."

Liz stays silent on the other end of the phone. For a minute I thought we lost connection. I hear her breathing softly into the phone.

"Wow...so he told you everything huh?" Liz muttered.

My eyebrows raise, confusion flooding my mind. What was she talking about..?

"Liz...? What's going on?" I ask.

"You know, I knew we couldn't trust that stubborn ass rich boy. This is why I'm always the one cleaning up the damn messes." Liz spat.

"Wha...?" I choked out.

"You were so easy to manipulate. It's actually quite sad and hilarious at the same time. Did you really think you would live your sad little life with no problems? You're family has done nothing but ruin everything...and so we're going to ruin you....including your little crush." Liz said, hanging up the phone.

What the fuck just happened? Wait.....Daisuke...!

I started sprinting down the street, trying to figure out exactly how to get to Daisuke's house. As I am running, a car follows me and I hear the horn beeping. I quickly look over and see Haru in the car staring at me. I grab the door and hop inside.

"Get to Daisuke's house now!" I yell at him. Haru's eyes widen and he slams on the gas, speeding onto the road.

"What's going on?" He asks confused.

"Liz is working with Onisha. I'm worried something happened to Daisuke. We need to hurry..!" I said frantically.

"Calm down! Tell me everything." He said.

I explained everything and he just kept his eyes on the road. I could see the worried expression on his face.

We arrive at Daisuke's and I quickly hop out of the car and rush inside the house. Haru follows behind me.

"(y/n)?" I hear the familiar voice come down the hall. Suzue walks over to me looking confused. "Are you ok?"

"Where's Daisuke?" I ask.

"He should be in his office." She said.

Without thinking, I run to his office. I open the door and see him sitting in his chair, staring at some papers. He looks up at me in shock. He stands up and walks towards me. I rush into his arms and hug him. I was still furious at him, but deep down I was terrified that something happened to him.

"You got discharged?" He asked.

"You're ok..." I said, tucking my face into his neck. His hands hold my hips as we embrace. I step back and wipe a tear from my cheek.

"What's going on?" He asked. I explain to him about Liz and he quickly closes the door to the office. "This is bad."

"I know it is. I don't know who to trust anymore. I'm not sure I should even trust you but....I thought.." I said.

Daisuke places his hand on my cheek and frowns. "We need to leave. Now."

He pulls my hand and drags me out of the room. Suzue and Haru fall back as the door slams open. Daisuke rolls his eyes, ignoring them as he leads me to the elevator that leads to the garage. Suzue and Haru jump in and we all head down.

"What's going on Diasuke!?" Suzue yelles at him.

"I can't tell you. You and Haru need to know as little as possible. (y/n) and I need to get away for a bit." Daisuke said, still holding on to my hand.

"What are you talking about? You're not going anywhere until you tell me!" Suzue yelled, stepping in front of us.

Daisuke looks over at Haru with a frown. "Please trust me. Watch over my sister. I promise I will tell you both as soon as I can. Right now it's too dangerous." He said.

Haru looks over at me then back at Daisuke. He nods, grabbing Suzue by the waist and quickly hitting the elevator button to go back up. We step out real fast before they close on us.

"Daisuke!!" Suzue yells before the doors shut. Daisuke leads me to one of his fancy cars and opens the door for me. I hop inside as he hurries to the drivers side. He starts the car and starts driving.

"HEUSC. Have the jet ready." Daisuke said.

My eyes widen, looking at the monitor that displayed a map.

"Yes sir." HEUSC said.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"I'm not exactly sure yet, but we can't be here. Maybe a small island or Italy. I know you love it there." He said.

My heart skipped a beat, forgetting that I told him I was part Italian so Italy was a place I really enjoyed going to to learn the culture. It was things like that that made me forget that he betrayed and made me remember why I started liking him.

The Spy and The Detective (Daisuke Kambe x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now