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(m/n) - Mom's name

(d/n) - Dad's name

The sunlight made it's way through the curtains of my bedroom, shining into my eyes as it wakes me up from my somewhat peaceful sleep. I had a bit of trouble in the middle of the night thinking about Luke again, which was normal for me. God, how I missed him... I dragged myself out of bed and made my way down stairs to brew a cup of coffee, hoping that today would be the start to a successful mission. Sipping the coffee, I make my way to my closet and bathroom and get myself ready for the day.

I make my way inside the police building, finding my way to the office where my new "partners" resided. Before making my way inside, a man stops in front of me. "Sorry to intrude, but I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Ryo Hoshino. I'm an detective in Division 1." I look at the man, who seemed to be somewhat uncomfortable with my presence. Perhaps nerves from fanboying? I stick my hand out in front of me, which he kindly accepts. "(u/n). It's a pleasure to meet you." Hoshino's lips curl up into a smile as I stare into his eyes. 'Why are their so many attractive men here...' . Without realizing my blank stare towards him, I quickly let go of his hand and give him a small fake smile. "Excuse me. I need to get to work." I turn my back to him and open the door to the office, quickly making my way inside. I sigh, hating the idea of staring at other men when my heart only belonged to Luke.

"Good morning agent (u/n)." I look up and see Haru holding up a donut on a plastic plate for me. I smile, appreciative of the kind gesture. I stare over at the desks and see Daisuke staring over at me with his known blank expression. I stare back, not amused by his silent stare. After taking a bite of the donut, I make my way over to the couch in the corner of the office. I sit down in the corner furthest from everyone and pull out my messenger bag with all of my information that Liz kindly sent over last night. I look over at Haru who was arguing with Daisuke yet again. What a joy this is going to be..

"Kato! Kambe!" I yell at the two men, who stop their argument and stare over at me. I wag my finger at them to come over to me, which gets them moving. The two sit down across from me, inches apart from each other. I knew we were all going to clash in one way or another, but at least I had control over everything. "So you both are aware that you'll be working with me on this case, correct?" I said as I spill out my paperwork onto the table in front of us. Daisuke remains silent, eyeing down my research. Kato leans into his knees, staring at me intently. "Yeah. Why did you decide to choose us?" My eyes drift from Haru to Daisuke, still wondering why I would accept the proposal, but I knew it was to have the best and the best happened to be Kato. "I need someone who is going to work well with me and who has the passion. Now with Daisuke, he is your partner now correct?" Daisuke remains unfazed while Kato nods slowly. "Yes. His methods aren't exactly what I like doing, but..." Haru hesitates to say anything more. I look over at Daisuke and raise my eyebrow at him. "You aren't my first choice of who I want to work with, but since you both are partners I wasn't able to separate you, although I've seen you have done some good things. Reckless and stupid, but good nonetheless."

Daisuke raises his eyebrow at me, his curiosity showing through his blank mask. I spread my papers out and show them the run down of what we needed to do. This was going to be a hard mission, especially for a small police department, but we didn't have time to find others and also the least amount working on the field, the better. "Our first target is going to be the Fire Dragon gang which happens to be located in this city. These gangs are spread out across the world, so I'm going to need you both at your best. This isn't just some little crime. People are going to die and I want to be able to save as many as I possibly can, no matter what. You guys may do things different here, but my line of work is very dangerous. One screw up and we die." Kato gulps as his nerves start to overtake him, while Daisuke continues to stare at me. I slam both my hands onto the table and lean over to get face to face with Daisuke. My approach takes him by surprise, but a playful smirk forms with his lips which angered me even more.

"Do you honestly think this is a joke? Do you have anything to say or even show instead of that smug ass look?" I could see I was playing right into his hands, as he slowly pulls out a cigar and lights it inches from my face. He lights it up and takes it into his lungs, releasing the after smoke into my face. Did he not realize how dangerous I could be? My eyes burn a tad from the smoke entering my eye sockets, causing me to lean back. Kato watched with wide eyes as I tried so hard to contain my rage. Daisuke chuckled, causing my skin to tense up. "You are very easy to read...(u/n).."

My heart stopped, as he put a bit too much emphasis on my undercover name. There's no way he would know that it's a fake. My mind must be playing tricks on me over my anger. I lean back and cross my arms. Daisuke decided to screw with the wrong person. "So little rich boy wants to read me now huh? Tell me...Kambe. Have you ever earned a single dime in your life? Or has mommy and daddy fed you your fortune?" Those words must of hit a cord in Daisuke, as his mood went from playful to angry. His eyes burned with rage after hearing "mommy and daddy" which reads to me that something must of happened to them. Instantly I regret what I said, but what's said is done. Daisuke puts out his cigar and stands up. Without looking back, he walks out of the office while leaving Haru and myself alone on the couch. I shake my head, gathering up my paperwork along with Haru's help.

I wanted to say something to Daisuke to try to relieve what I said, but Haru reads my mind and places a hand on my shoulder. "I'll go talk to him. We'll meet you at your hotel." I nod, packing my things up and making my way past Haru, quickly making my way out the building and back to my place.

Hours go by and both Haru and Daisuke enter my suite. I told them beforehand to dress for an occasion. I decided to focus on getting to know the two as my new partners for this case and treat them to the fanciest restaurant in the city. Daisuke already knew how to dress to impress with his expensive suits whereas I could tell Haru's was on the cheaper side which I didn't mind. After having to blend in with the rich for so long, I learned the many designers and ways of rich folk. Most the time it was exhausting but that was the character I had to play majority of the time. The two men eye me as I wear my short black dress with my black stilettos. I threw my hair up into a messy bun with little strands of wavy hair falling down. I liked to mix my real look into my fake looks. I stare over at Haru, trying to hint to him to leave me alone with Daisuke for a minute, which he surprisingly catches onto fast. "I'll go see if the car is here." He leaves both Daisuke and I alone in the room. I notice Daisuke's tie crooked, so I walk over to him. I look up at him and hold my hand out to his neck. "May I?"

He looks down, noticing the crooked tie and stares back into my eyes, not saying a word to me. I gently take the tie and straighten it out for him, avoiding his gaze. His cologne was truly mesmerizing. Definitely the smell of the wealthy. I realize that I was standing near him a bit too long, intoxicated by his scent, so I inch my way back and turn to grab my coat. "(y/n) (l/n)." My whole body stops. I quickly turn back to stare at him with my eyes wider than the ocean. How does he know my real name? If there was a moment to pretend I didn't know what he meant, it went by fast as I didn't play it off well.

Daisuke smirks, staring down at me. "You're from a small town in Pennsylvania. 26 years old. One of the top secret agents in the world just at age 23. A workaholic who enjoys helping others, but never focusing on yourself. Has changed her identity many times and uses (u/n) as her agent name. Your parents are (m/n) and (d/n) (l/n). Your parent's were both warehouse workers, which means you grew up in a lower income family. After working your way to become a agent, your work got more dangerous causing you to run away from home and faking your death to your family hence why no one knows your real identity."

My mind went numb as he rattled off my real life. How in the hell did he find out this information? There was no way anyone could know. I was excellent with hiding my identity, but now I found someone who could possibly match me. I walk over to him and grab him by his collar, messing up the tie I just fixed for him. He really pushed me to the edge now. "How the fuck do you know about me?!" His eyes grow a bit wider, not realizing how angry he just made me. "I have my ways." The tone that left his lips pushed the last button inside me. Strapped on my thigh, I pull out my blade and held it to his throat without him being able to flinch. "And I have my ways of getting rid of people who know too much." Daisuke smirks down at me and as I  press my knife into his throat further, threatening him with his every movement, he whispers to me. "You're not a murderer." 

The Spy and The Detective (Daisuke Kambe x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now