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Bright lights burn my eyes as I slowly open them, adjusting to the environment. As my sight clears, I attempt to sit up to look around but a hand stops me. I look over to my right and see Daisuke stopping me.

"Don't strain yourself." He said.

"Wh..what happened?" I ask, bringing a hand over to my shoulder that is wrapped up. I wince in pain from the touch, letting my hand drop back down. Daisuke pushes a button behind me, ignoring my question. A nurse rushes in, walking over to me.

"Ms. (l/n), I'll be your nurse for the evening. How are you feeling? Any pain?" She asks kindly.

"Y-yeah a little." I said. The nurse walks over to the IV and gives me what I assume to be some more pain meds. She does a quick exam and tells me the doctor will be in soon to discuss my injuries. As the nurse leaves, Haru and Suzue walk into the room. Haru walks over to the other side of my bed and sits in a chair, moving it so he is right next to me.

"I'm so glad you're ok.." He said. I give him a gentle smile, holding my hand out to him. He places his in mine and I give him a small squeeze. I look over at Daisuke and do the same for him. I was glad they were here for me. They were the only friends I had here, so it was nice to have some sort of company.

I look over at Haru with a serious expression. "What the hell happened?"

Haru hesitates. I assume he doesn't want to relive the moment but I was confused. I could only remember having lunch and then there was black.

Haru's P.O.V

(y/n) falls back onto the ground as we were enjoying lunch. As she lays there, a notice blood pouring out of her shoulder.

'Oh god....' I thought to myself. I look around, trying to figure out where the shot came from. It had to be a sniper with a silencer. The crowd around us starts running once they notice the blood.

I rush over to (y/n) and place my hands over her wound attempting to stop the bleeding. I watch as her eyes flutter open and closed. She hit her head hard, so I knew she wasn't able to speak. "You're going to be ok! I got you.."

An ambulance shows up. I let the paramedics do their job and I stay by her side the whole time. I was in shock. I never imagined something like this would happen to her...but she always said she had many enemies so it wasn't as surprising.

At the hospital, they rush her into surgery. I had to stay in the waiting room, so all I could do was worry. I pull out my phone and dial Daisuke to let him know what happened, but as I do I see Daisuke and Suzue rushing into the waiting room. I put my phone back into my pocket and run over to him.

"I was just about to call you." I said. Daisuke huffed. He looked pissed, but Suzue held Daisuke's shoulder trying to calm him down.

"What the fuck happened? Where is she?" Daisuke asked me.

"She was shot...they took her to surgery. That's all I know right now." I said.

"Daisuke....let's go sit down." Suzue said. Daisuke shoves her hand away, walking away from the two of us. Suzue looks over at me apologetically.

"I'm so sorry he's being like this. As soon as HEUSC told us, he started panicking and rushed here." Suzue said. I looked at her confused.

"How did HEUSC know so fast?" I asked. Suzue rubbed her forearm nervously, avoiding eye contact with me what was she hiding..?

A woman breaks up our tension, walking over to us. Daisuke walks back over to us as soon as he sees her. The woman holds a tablet, looking down at it then back up at us.

"You're here for (y/n) (l/n)?" She asks us.

"Yes. How is she?" Suzue asks.

"She's in surgery right now. She lost a lot of blood and the bullet broke apart so they are trying to get all the pieces out, but other than that her vitals are stable for now. I'll give you an update once I know more." She said.

"Thank you." Daisuke said. The woman nods her head and walks back through the doors where she came from. Daisuke looks over at me and glares angrily. "How the hell did this happen?"

"W-what?" I ask him confused.

"Why the hell were you out with her in the open? You knew she was a target to a bunch of people with her identity out. Why the fuck did you two sit in the open?!" He yelled.

I shook my head in disbelief. Was he blaming me for this? I was shocked by his reaction...I never seen him this upset over someone before, but it was his girlfriend.

"How the hell was I supposed to know this would happen?! It was just for lunch!" I yelled back. Daisuke walks closer to me and grabs the collar of my shirt with both of his hands. I look into his eyes and notice them become glossy. My eyes widen, realizing how much Daisuke cared for her. My shoulders sink in defeat.

"Daisuke, you're causing a scene. That's enough." Suzue said. Daisuke let's go of me and walks away. Suzue walks over and fixes my shirt for me, her hand staying placed on my chest. "I'm sorry again. Are you ok Haru?"

"Yeah...I'll be fine. You should go take care of him. He must be a mess." I said.

Suzue grabs my hands and gives me a small smile. "He wants to be alone right now. I'll only annoy him. Plus, I kind of need someone with me right now..." my heart pounds as she holds my hands. I look her in the eyes and wrap my one arm around her shoulders. She leans her head into my chest and starts to sob. I nuzzle my face into her neck, holding onto her. I felt sick to my stomach by what happened to (y/n), but right now I also am happy being in Suzue's arms.

We sit for hours in the waiting room trying our best to stay positive. A man finally comes over to us to give us some news.

"(y/n) is expected to make a full recovery. We got all the shrapnel's out and there were no injuries to her nerves. It was a clean shot so she will heal well. We'll keep her for a few days for observation. She also may have suffered a concussion due to her hitting her head hard but again, we'll keep you all updated." We all sigh in relief, allowing the man to go back to work.

A nurse shows us to (y/n)'s room and closes the door on us as we all stand by (y/n)'s bed. Daisuke gently placed his hand on hers. Suzue interlocks her fingers into my own, causing my face to heat up. I know this wasn't the time or place for this, but Suzue was being extra clingy and he enjoyed it.

"I'm going to stay here for the night. You both go home. I'll keep you updated." Daisuke said. I nod, not wanting to get on his bad side anymore than I already was. Before I leave, I walk over and grab (y/n)'s other hand.

"I'm so sorry (y/n)....I never meant for this to happen to you. I wish it was me." I whispered to her. She smiles up at me but then frowns, asking me what happened. I explain everything to her and then leave per Daisuke's request. I wrap my arm around Suzue and lead her out of the room. I look back at Daisuke one more time and watch as he leans his head onto (y/n)'s hand. I sigh, closing the door behind me. Daisuke must really love her.

The Spy and The Detective (Daisuke Kambe x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now