Chapter 4

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"Don't mind if I smoke, do you? I'll stick open a window."

Louis had offered Harry a lift to school. Harry hadn't expected the weather to get quite so bad, as it was merely a drizzle when he set out to the café. He had hoped to be able to walk back home and get some fresh air and then drive to school, however the weather had other plans.

"No, course not."

Louis took a cigarette out of his pocket, placing it between his lips. He grabbed the lighter from the compartment in front of him, igniting the end of the cigarette.

He inhaled, and then closed his eyes as he blew out the smoke. He took the cigarette back between his teeth and started the car.

"How old are you? Always thought you looked quite young to be teaching."

"I'm 23. How old are you?"

"26. Quite close in age ain't we? Probably two of the youngest teachers in the school."

"Yeah, I think we are." Harry agreed.

"I've got to teach about the Monarchs today." Louis groaned, "might just stick on Horrible Histories for them.

"I wish I could do that."

"I'm sure there's an episode on Shakespeare."

"Not sure it'll quite be what I need to teach them but I'll have to look into it."


By the time Harry decided to leave work it was practically pitch black outside. It was still raining, though thankfully not so heavily, and the cold nipped at his skin.

Harry shoved his hands in his pockets, crossing his coat across his waist instead of zipping it up. He had his scarf bundled around his neck and he tucked his chin into it, hoping the minimal effort would keep him warm.

The wind stung his face, tousling his hair. Fuck the winter weather of England.

A car horn honked but Harry ignored it. He wasn't really in the mood to be kidnapped or anything. The car honked again, this time slowing down next to him.

Harry kept walking.

"You make it bloody difficult to offer a lift, don't you?" Louis reached across, pushing open the passenger door. "Get in."

Harry clambered in, thankful that a: he wasn't going to be kidnapped, and b: he didn't have to stay outside in that awful weather.

"Sorry, just chuck the shit on the floor into the backseat. I've just been to the shops."

Harry politely placed the bags from the footwell into the seats behind him.

"What are you doing walking in this weather?" Louis frowned.

"Just left work. I thought I'd stay on and get some marking done." Harry shivered.

Louis noticed the chattering of his teeth and reached forward to turn the heating on.

"I can't believe you were walking home in this. You were well on your way to catching your death."

Harry shrugged, "I'm sure I would've been okay, but I really appreciate the lift."

"Where am I taking you then?"

Harry told Louis his address, hugging himself tightly. Louis reached behind, grabbing a blanket from the backseat and handing it to Harry.

"I am not having a corpse in my car." Louis stated, "wrap that around yourself, we're still 10 minutes away."

"Thank you, I'm sorry about this."

"Don't be. It's hardly your fault, I offered the lift."

Harry stared out of the window for most of the ride back with the radio droning on softly in the background. Louis hummed along quietly to some of the songs, drumming his fingers against the steering wheel.

They soon pulled up outside Harry's house and Harry removed the blanket. "It's a bit soggy, I'm sorry. I can wash it if you need or..."

"Don't worry about it." Louis replied. "It'll dry."

"Okay...again, thank you for the lift."

"It's no problem. Now go and have a warm bath or something. I'll see you tomorrow." Louis smiled kindly.

"Alright, yeah. Um, I'll see you tomorrow. Thank you." And Harry slipped out of the car, shutting the door behind him and walking up to his front door, guided by the streetlights.

Just walking from the car to the house had caused him to become sodden again. He fumbled with the keys, desperate to get out of the cold air. Once the door was opened, he turned to wave at Louis before finally stepping into the warmth of his house.

He needed a nice cup of tea and a warm bath.

short one today i'm afraid

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