Chapter 20

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Harry was sat alone at a window table in the local chip shop. It was 1am, and other than a drunk group of girls, he was the only one in the there.

He kept his eyes fixed on the quiet street outside, slowly sipping on a pepsi. "Harry, is that you?" An Irish voice rang out.

Harry lifted his head, greeting Niall with a small smile. "What are you doing out this late?"

"I'm with Liam and Louis, we just fancied some chips. What are you doing out so late? Are you okay?"

Harry nodded, "I'm fine, yeah."

"You with anyone?"

"Just me." Harry shrugged, looking down at the can that he held between his hands.

"Are you sure you're alright mate?" Niall frowned.

If Harry was asked that again, he was bound to cry. He bit his lip, blinking back tears as he nodded.

"How about I order our food and you can come back with us?" Niall added softly, "you seem a little lonely."

"I'm okay." Harry croaked out. "I wouldn't be very good company."

"It would be nice to have you with us." Niall offered one more time.

Harry opened his mouth to decline but was interrupted.

"What's taking you so long mate? It's cold out- Harry! Hello!" Louis's face lit up.

"Hi." Harry replied. "You alright?"

"Yeah, are you?" Louis slid into the seat opposite him. "And Ni, get on with the ordering will ya? I want it done by the time Liam's finished his phone call."

"Alright, sorry." Niall put his hands up, "I was having a chat."

"Anyways, you okay?" Louis asked again.

Harry nodded, re-fixing his gaze on the can.

"What are you doing here?"

This time he shrugged, "I'm not quite sure. Just kinda ended up here."

"Do you want to come back to mine with us?"

"I don't think so, sorry." Harry looked back outside. "Already told Niall, I don't think I'd be very good company."

"What's wrong Harry?" Louis frowned. "Something's wrong."

"Nothing's wrong." Harry stated simply.

"I'm not being funny but I don't know many people who sit in an empty chippie at 1am on their own." Louis shrugged. "Usually people sit at home or go to a bar."

"I'm fine. I don't get why everyone thinks there's something wrong with me all the fucking time." He muttered, "I've got to go."

"Harry, hey, I'm sorry if I overstepped." Louis looked up to where Niall was still ordering. "I just want you to know that I'm always here for you."

Harry nodded again, and he was beginning to think something was wrong with his neck.

"Look, I just, I'm here because I-I don't want to be at home, and I don't want to be anywhere else. This was the first place I saw open, and so I came in here." Harry's tongue darted out to lick his lips as his eyes flicked away. "I don't know, I'm fine. I'll be fine."

"If you really want me to leave you alone tonight I will," Louis started gently, "but I'm happy for you to spend time with us too."

"I'm sorry, I just think I need to be alone." Harry whispered, his voice strained.

"Okay love, okay." Louis nodded, looking incredibly reluctant to leave Harry. "Can I at least drop you home?"

"Okay." Harry gave a small nod, and a singular tear slipped down his face. He quickly wiped it away, looking down.

"Let's get out of here Harry, we can wait in the car for them." Louis gently rested a hand on Harry's arm.

Niall turned to look at them, concern etched on his face.

"We'll be waiting in the car." Louis told him, thankful that Liam was still on the phone as they walked past.

By the time they had got to the car, Harry's face had become nearly void of emotion apart from his trembling lower lip.

The two sat in silence as Louis held Harry's hand, rubbing his thumb up and down against the back of it. Harry stared out of the window whilst Louis looked at Harry in concern.

Eventually Niall and Liam appeared, knocking on the back windows of the car. Harry didn't move and Louis squeezed his hand. "I'll take you home now love." He slowly let go of Harry's hand, unlocking the car as Niall and Liam climbed in.


"Hey, do you want a hug?" Louis asked softly as he followed Harry to his front door.

"I-" Harry cut himself off with a nod.

Louis wrapped his arms around Harry, gently cradling the back of his head.

"You'll be okay hun, you will. Are you sure you're okay on your own?"

"I'll be fine." He whimpered.

"Okay, I'll be one call away if you need me. I'll come and see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay. Okay, I'll be here, yeah." Harry almost sounded like he was trying to convince himself.

"If you need anything, even if it's small, just call me. I promise I won't care." Louis stood back.

"Thank you." Harry forced a small smile onto his face, though his eyes remained dull.

"I'll see you later." Louis put a hand on his arm, "look after yourself."

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