Chapter 44

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"Are you sure you don't want me to drive, love?" Louis frowned, looking at Harry. Harry rung out his hands, wiping them on his trousers.

"Okay, maybe that's a good idea." Harry exhaled shakily.

"Alright, swap then?"

Harry nodded and they both climbed out of the car, swapping places.

The pair were driving up north to visit Gemma and Zayn, though Harry was adamant that his mum would somehow appear.

"Darling, even if we do see her it'll be okay. Alright?"

"You don't know that Lou, you don't know what she'll be like." Harry muttered.

"No, you're right. But I know that I'll be with you." Louis rested his hand on Harry's.

Harry nodded, "thank you."

"Of course. If you want to turn back, just say the word." Louis squeezed his hand before starting up the car.

The drive there was pretty quiet, with Harry falling asleep halfway through. Louis was thankful for that, hoping it would give him a bit of a break from the war in his mind.

The satnav told Louis that he had reached his destination and he pulled over, parking alongside the pavement. He gently woke Harry up, his eyes blinking open slowly as he looked around.

"Nearly there?" Harry muttered.

"We're here darling." Louis said. "At Gemma's, I just don't know which one it is."

"Oh, okay. It's that one." Harry pointed to the house with the light blue door.

"Right, let's grab our bags and we'll go in." Louis said, "are you feeling a bit better?"

Harry shrugged. "I'll be alright. Looking forward to seeing Gem and Zayn."

"Alright, let me know if you need anything. Do you think Gemma will like me?"

"There's nothing not to like." Harry said, "you're brilliant."

"Well, I can't help but feel as though you're a little biased." Louis chuckled, leaning over to kiss Harry.

"Mm, just a bit." Harry pecked him once more, leaning back as he felt eyes on them. He looked to Gemma's house, blushing when he saw that she was stood in the doorway, watching the pair

"Well that's awkward." Louis murmured, offering Gemma a tentative wave. She just stared. "I think she hates me already."

"She doesn't. She just wants to sus you out." Harry told him. "Come on, we can get bags after. Let's just get this bit done."

"I'm scared."

"You'll be okay. Gemma's lovely, and she's got a dog, Rosie."

"Rosie better be a fuckin' good therapy dog because I'm a nervous wreck."

"Oh, don't worry. She's wonderful, and I'm here and Gemma really isn't all that scary. She's just putting up a front. Just be yourself "

"Come on then." Louis exhaled, getting out of the car.

Harry took his hand, squeezing it as they walked up the house.

"Gemma, this is Louis. Louis, Gemma." Harry introduced them.

"Hello Louis, it's nice to meet you." Gemma said politely.

"It's lovely to meet you too, Harry's sung your praises."

"As he has yours, though I need to decide if I like you or not for myself."

Louis's lips quirked up a bit at her honesty. "Go ahead. Before you say anything, I'm sorry that the first time you've seen me was when I was kissing your brother."

"I'm just glad it didn't progress." She said, "I'd rather meet Harry's boyfriend without hickeys on their necks."

"Gemma, be nice please." Harry whined.

"I am being nice H, now c'mere. I've missed you." Gemma opened her arms and Harry lunged forwards, hugging her tightly.

"I've missed you too." He smushed his face into her shoulder.

"Sorry to interrupt this heartwarming moment but could I possibly use the toilet? I've been dying for a piss since we turned off at the junction next to the big lad."

"The big lad?" Gemma raised her eyebrow.

"You know, the big lad, the main man." Louis held his hands out like a t-rex.

"Ohh, you mean Darryl." Gemma's face relaxed in realisation.

"Who the fuck is Darryl?"

"What the fuck is going on?" Harry murmured, amusement on his face.

"Darryl's the t-rex statue. Or the 'main man' as you called him." Gemma bit the inside of her cheek to stop a smile.

"Well, yeah, Darryl. That's the fella. Anyway, toilet?" Louis winced, "if not I can take a wee in the garden."

"No, you are not pissing in my roses. The toilet's just behind you." She pointed to what Louis had assumed was a shoe cupboard.

"Oh, thank you. You're an angel." Louis slipped inside, leaving Harry and Gemma alone.

"Gemma, please be nice to him." Harry whispered. "He's a bit nervous about meeting you and I don't want you scaring him off." He paused, before adding an even quieter, "I love him."

"Woah, steady on. Have you told him that yet?" Gemma's eyes widened.

"No, I haven't. So zip it, and be nice!"

Pattering feet flew across the wooden floor, and Rosie came flying around the corner. Harry dropped to the floor, his mouth open in a grin. He held his hands out, giggling as Rosie wiggled around against him.

"Hello, sweetheart!" He beamed. "I've missed you! And guess what, I'm doing much better than I was last time so you don't have to deal with that again hopefully. Oh, and I have a boyfriend now, you'll love him. He's the best."

Harry didn't realise that Louis had emerged from the toilet until he crouched down behind Harry, wrapping his arms around his shoulders. "I'm the best, am I?" He chuckled. "Hello dog, I assume you're Rosie."

Rosie's ears perked up at hearing her name and she stuck her nose in his face, sniffing excitedly.

"Yeah, I'm boyfriend, or Louis as other people like to call me."

"Keep him." Gemma mouthed to Harry before speaking out loud. "I like you Louis. You're funny and you're nice to Rosie, let's hope it stays that way."

"Yes ma'am." Louis stood up, saluting.

Gemma cracked a smile, "come on then loves, let's get you both a cuppa. Did you drive the whole way Louis?" She began to walk into the kitchen.

"Yeah I did." He nodded.

"Let me guess, Harry slept most of the way."

Louis laughed, "yep."

"When's Zayn getting here?" Harry grumbled.

"Half an hour I think. Do you want me to go and fetch your bags?"

"No, no. I can do it." Louis shook his head, "you two have a little catch up."

"Are you sure you don't want me to help?" Harry asked.

"Positive, Bambi. Catch up with your sister."

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