Chapter 50

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the final chappie my lord. I always hate my final chapters cause I feel I do not bring the story justice but I hope you enjoy nonetheless.

very soon I believe I'll release the first chapter, or at least the foreword, of my new story. It's an enemies to lovers uni one basically- kinda basic but i love to write my own stuff. I hope to see you all there

thank you for reading this and supporting me with this story! Xx

A few months later

Harry rolled over, smiling softly as Louis held him close despite being fast asleep. The rays of sun were seeping in through the gap in the curtains- casting Louis in gold.

Harry lay there for 10 minutes, just watching Louis sleep. After those minutes had passed, he sat up with a sigh, bending down to press a kiss to Louis's forehead. "Lou." He said gently, shaking him lightly.

Louis mumbled something, rolling over and pressing his face in Harry's leg.

"We gotta go shopping. Zayn, Ni and Liam see coming over tonight."

"Can't they go shopping on their way over?" Louis groaned.

"Absolutely not. We invited them over." Harry laughed, "c'mon, up we get." He stood up, grabbing Louis's hands and pulling him up.

Louis huffed, rubbing his sleepy eyes. "Alright, fine. Morning babe." Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's waist, pecking his lips. "Sleep well?"

Harry nodded, "did you?"

"Until a certain someone woke me up." Louis said cheekily, flicking Harry's ear and Harry made a noise of protest. "Right, pop in the shower and I'll go and make us some breakfast."

"Okay." Harry nodded.


"Oi, H." Louis called Harry over, a smirk on his face.

"What now?" Harry groaned at Louis's face.

"How large did you want it?" Louis held up two cucumbers. "This one might hurt a bit." He lifted up the largest of the two.

"Louis!" Harry gasped, hitting at his chest lightly. "That is not what it's for you perv!" Harry couldn't keep the smile off of his face.

"Are you sure about that?" Louis asked, "we can always get you an aubergine if you fancy more width."

"Stop it!" Harry hissed, looking around as he pressed himself close to Louis's chest. "God, you're awful." He's couldn't help the giggles that emerged and he ducked his head into Louis's shoulder.

"So, length or width?" Louis whispered in Harry's ear and Harry snorted.

"Now we've got to buy both the cucumbers 'cause you've touched them." Harry took them from Louis, placing them in the basket.

"Double whammy." Louis raised his eyebrows, nodding his head in fake approval. "Length and width."

"I'm going to go and get some drinks, and when I return I want you to have had a think about your behaviour." Harry pointed.

"Or I could come with you and have a think about my behaviour along the way?" Louis grinned.

"Okay." Harry took his hand, "only if you carry the basket and stop making innuendos."

"Anything for you my little cucumber lover."

"You're annoying." Harry said.

"But you love me." Louis grinned.

"I love you far too much." Harry agreed with a huff, leaning into Louis's side.


Harry opened up the door, a glass of wine in his hand. "Hello!" He grinned at the three boys stood at the door. "Come in, come in!" Harry stood back from the door, holding an arm out to gesture for then to enter.

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