Chapter 45

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earlier time update than usual but I keep forgetting to publish chappies so we shall just have to tolerate it (haha get it)

"Fucking hell, didn't know I was holding the dragon's union in my back garden." Gemma raised her eyebrows, crossing her arms as she leaned against the door frame.

Louis, Harry, and Zayn were all sat on the edge of the decking, lit cigarettes poised between their fingers.

"And Harold, what are you doing with a cigarette? Louis, this better not be your doing."

"Hey! Why am I the one to blame?" Louis pouted, "he's known Zayn longer."

Harry instantly hid the cigarette behind his back.

"Harry, I'm not blind. Since when have you smoked?"

"I don't know. A few years." Harry shrugged awkwardly. "It's not all the time Gemma. Just occasionally if I get a bit stressed, you know."

"Right, okay. Well, I'd really rather you didn't but its not my place to control your choices." She shrugged, "anyway, dinner is ready soon. Better finish off your starters. Actually, Haz, come here a minute." She beckoned him over.

Harry sighed, following Gemma. "You're not gonna tell me off, right?"

"No, I'm not gonna tell you off. As I said, your choice. You just said you smoke occasionally if you're a bit stressed though. What's up?" She asked softly.

"It's nothing really." Harry shrugged, stubbing out his cigarette. "I'm just a bit scared that I'll see mum."

"Well, she doesn't know you're here, but sometimes she pays surprise visits." Gemma said. "If she comes by, I'll try to turn her away though. If worst comes to worst, I can stash you in the bathroom."

"Thanks Gem." Harry gave a small smile.  "Come on everyone, dinner!" He called to Louis and Zayn.

The 4 traipsed in, settling around the dining room table where Michal was already sat, plates laid out.

As soon as they were sat down, Harry interlinked his hand with Louis's under the table.

"You may want to let go if you're gonna eat." Louis chuckled but Harry shook his head.

"No, I'm perfectly capable." Harry said adamantly, though within a few seconds he had dropped food all over the table.

"You can hold hands later." Zayn snorted, taking a sip from his wine.

"What Z said, stop being soppy." Gemma teased.

"Shush." Harry pouted, "I'm just happy he's mine."

Zayn made a retching sound and Harry turned to glare at him, where Zayn was smirking into his glass.

"Zayn, you're meant to be my best friend. You should be happy that I'm happy." Harry poked his tongue out.

"I just miss when you would hold my hand." Zayn jutted out his bottom lip and Harry reached for his hand with his spare.

"If you start eating without your hands I'm kicking you out of my house." Gemma raised her eyebrows.

"Fine." Harry dropped both of their hands. "Sorry, I'll hold your hands later, gotta eat 'properly' before my sister kicks me out."

When Gemma looked to Michal to roll her eyes in amusement, Harry stuck up his middle finger. Michal snorted and Gemma turned around, catching him out of the corner of her eye.

"Bitch." She flipped him off in response.

Harry looked down to his plate, biting back a grin.


Harry was sat on the floor, back against the sofa as he stay settled between Louis's legs. Louis carded a hand through his hair, and Harry closed his eyes, leaning into the touch. Rosie was lying with her head on Harry's lap, ears flopped back and eyes closed.

"You two need a dog." Gemma said from the other sofa. "You'd be a cute little family."

"Wanna get a dog Lou?" Harry tilted his head back, looking at Louis upside down.

"I'm not sure Penelope and Oscar would fair well with that." Louis said, twirling a curl around his finger.

"Penelope and Oscar?" Gemma asked.

"They're my cats." Louis explained.

"Wanna see a picture Gem? They're wonderful."

"Yeah of course."

Louis scrolled through his phone until he found a photo of Harry, grinning up at the phone with a cat held in each hand.

"Oh, they're adorable." Gemma smiled. "Cute photo too."

"Thanks." Louis and Harry said at the same time, Harry looking at Louis with a cheeky smile.

Louis moved his hand down to Harry's cheek, thumbing over his cheek bone. Harry lifted his spare hand up, holding onto Louis's wrist.

"Think I might head up to bed in a minute." Harry said, stifling a yawn.

"Probably a good idea, you two had to get up early today." Gemma nodded. "Go up and get ready and I can bring you both a cup of tea."

"Oh, you're an angel. Thank you." Louis smiled gratefully. Rosie stood up, stretching as she sensed movement. She walked over to Gemma and Michal, allowing Harry to stand up, giving Louis a hand up.

"Night Gem, night Michal." Harry gave a small wave.

"Night Harry." Michal smiled back.

Harry held onto Louis's hand, leaning into him as they climbed the stairs.

Louis went to the bathroom to get ready, and when he emerged Harry was sat on the bed in his joggers and Louis's jumper.

"That jumper looks strangely familiar." Louis smirked.

"Hmm, not sure where you would've seen it before." Harry replied.

"I don't know," Louis climbed onto the bed, "maybe my suitcase?" He tilted Harry's head up with a finger beneath the chin, ducking forward to place a small kiss on Harry's lips.

As he pulled away Harry chased after the kiss, keeping their lips pressed together. "I really love kissing you." Harry said. 'I really love you.' Went unsaid.

"I really love kissing you too." Louis rested their foreheads together.

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