Chapter 13

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(guys you really need to start commenting without me peer pressuring you because I'm starting to look desperate)

"Harryyy!" Louis called, following Harry down the hallway.

Harry stopped, turning around. "Oh, hello Louis." He smiled.

"How was your weekend?"

"Um, good actually. Yeah." Harry smiled, looking down with tinged cheeks.

"Is that a blush?" Louis raised his eyebrows, "what did you get up to?"

"I think I kinda met someone." Harry answered, shrugging with a sheepish smile.

"You did?" Louis smiled back, "what's their name?"

"Jake." Harry kept his head down.

"Do I get to meet this Jake and see if he's worthy for you?" Louis sat down on a table as they entered Harry's classroom.

"I don't want to scare him off just yet. Maybe give it a few weeks." Harry chuckled.

"What's he like then, this Jake?"

"He's really sweet." Harry beamed shyly, "I mean, I don't want to get ahead of myself cause I only met him Friday night but I met with him again on Saturday and Sunday and he seemed lovely."

"Awe, you seem happy." Louis reached over, rubbing Harry's shoulder lightly.

"I mean, I'm just hoping something goes well for me for once. Did you have a good weekend?"

"I did a shit load of marking." Louis rolled his eyes. "It was horrible."

"God, that sounds awful." Harry winced.

"So awful." Louis agreed. "Oh and now it's time to go and teach. Can't wait!" He grinned sarcastically, hitting his hands against the table as he stood up. "Have fun, I'll see you later."

"Yeah, see you later. Bye." Harry waved back.


It was a couple of weeks later and Louis was driving past Harry's house on his way to meet Niall and Liam. He pulled up outside, jogging up to the door.

He knocked, putting his hands in his pockets as he waited for an answer.

A few seconds later and the door was answered by Harry- who looked somewhat indecent.

"Sorry, not interrupted something, have I?" Louis smirked at Harry's mismatched attire, messed up hair and puffy lips.

"No, no." Harry shook his head, cheeks turning pinker. "Um, are you alright?"

"Yeah, we were just wondering if you wanted to join us, we're going to maccies."

"Babe, who's there?" A tall man walked down the stairs, wrapping an arm around Harry's waist tightly.

"Louis." Louis smiled, holding a hand out.

"Jake." He took Louis's hand, gripping it tightly. "Sorry, but who exactly are you?" He looked Louis up and down and Louis immediately raised an eyebrow.

"A friend of Harry's. We were just seeing if he wanted to join us for food." Louis explained.

Harry opened his mouth to speak but Jake tightened his grip. "He's okay. We're busy."

Harry looked down, any hint of happiness had been wiped off of his face.

"Alright then. Sorry, how long have you two been together again?" He tried hard to keep the judgement off of his face, he really did, but when people controlled their partner it pissed him off.

"2 weeks."

"Hm. Okay. Well, you're welcome to come to maccies too."

"As I said, we're busy. Aren't we babe? But thank you."

"Yeah, um we're busy. Sorry." Harry muttered, "I'd love to another time though."

"Okay, well I hope you have fun. See you around Jake, and I'll see you soon Harry."

"Yeah, I'll see you soon." Harry gave Louis a small smile. "Sorry."

"Don't worry about it." Louis smiled reassuringly at Harry, waving as he turned his back.

Louis wasn't always one to judge, but he had already decided he wasn't keen on Jake. Of course he had only seen a teeny snippet of their relationship, but Jake seemed controlling.

He continued to drive, being met with confused looks from Niall and Liam as he entered McDonald's.

"No Harry?" Liam raised an eyebrow.

"Nah not today." Louis shook his head.

"Ya reckon he hates us?" Niall asked.

"He's only met you once and he was drunk. I hardly think he has any reason to hate you." Louis laughed, "he's with his boyfriend today."

"His boyfriend?" Niall raised an eyebrow, "don't worry Lou, I'm sure they'll break up soon and he'll realise he's in love with you."

"What?" Louis looked at Niall like he was absurd, "what the hell are you on about mate?"

"Well, you two seemed..." Niall trailed off, looking for the correct word, "cosy, at the club."

"Ni, he's just an affectionate drunk." Louis chuckled, "I hate to break it to you but your ship isn't going to sail."

"He's naïve." Niall muttered as he leaned over to Liam, shaking his head.

Louis rolled his eyes as Liam chuckled. "Bugger off."

"What about Zayn? When's he coming back?" Liam asked.

"Just to put it out there, I don't know everything about Harry's and Zayn's lives but Harry's not mentioned anything about Zayn coming back."

"Well, whenever he visits again we'll have to meet up with him. We'll get to see Harry sober and then we can judge if he's in love with you or not." Liam shrugged and Louis reached over to punch his shoulder whilst Niall laughed.

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