Chapter One

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"Nam-ra!" I called and she turned around and smiled at me. She was my best friend, everyone else hated me and her mom was the only one keeping me from being kicked out of the school because I'm Nam-ra's only friend basically.

To think about it I don't know why Nam-ra is friends with me, she's so proper and nice being classroom president and then there was me on the other hand, the school's whore all because of some fucking rumors.

Everyone bullied me because a rumor from the soccer team. The first day here I got locked in the shed with a few of the guys and you can imagine what happened. Photos began spreading to only the guys and now everyone knows I 'slept' with half the soccer team. Nam-ra comforted me to the best of her ability and over the months we've been here she's been my best friend. Two loners make one happy friendship.

We began walking around the grounds and just talking, her saying how she feels invisible and me feelings like everyone has seen me naked and stares at me like it, well thats basically true.

All of a sudden I hear the patter of footsteps and I looked away from my feet and saw Su-hyeok standing in front of us, slightly out of breath.

"Hey Prez, hey Y/N." He smiled and I smiled back and we both said 'hello' back to him.

Nam-ra knew I liked Su-hyeok. She teases me about if after every interaction. But I mean who doesn't like Su-hyeok? Nam-ra told me they started talking a bit more and told me how he's really good friends with Cheong-san. My guess is his heart belonged to On-jo though. I mean she's so... not like me.

"Where are you guys headed?" Su-hyeok asked and I looked at Nam-ra, I was so nervous I couldn't speak.

"We are just walking around, just talking. What's up with you?" Nam-ra smiled, slightly nudging with her elbow, very secretly though.


"AHHHHH!" We looked behind us to the blood curdling scream and saw a bloodied man running towards us.

"Oh shi-"

"Come on! Hurry!" Su-hyeok grabbed our hands and began leading us to run with him. We ran over the field and towards the school. We saw the groundskeepers being attacked on ladders, there was one free so we ran past and began climbing up to the nearest window. He got the window open and his friends pulled him in. I let Nam-ra climb up first and followed quickly after her.

"Hurry! Y/N they're coming." I saw about five hungry, bloodied people coming after the ladder. Su-hyeok had his hand reached down to me and I grab on and help pull myself up steadily, before a man tackled the ladder and it fell out from underneath me, scraping my knee and hitting the metal on my ankle. I yelped and grabbed onto the ledge with. my other hand and Su-hyeok helped pull me up.

I got in and stumbled onto the ground.

"Y/N are you okay?" He asked and kneeled down beside me.

"It's just a bruise, the ladder hit me when it was falling." I explained and Nam-ra helped me up with an outstretched hand and I hugged her tight.

"So this is it. Zombies." Su-hyeok sighed as closed the window.

Everyone stared at me, again like they have seen me naked.

"What are you all looking at?" I mumbled and they quickly looked away.

"Lets try and find a phone and call the cops, someone has to answer." On-jo suggested and we began looking in the abandoned backpacks of students.

I-sak found one and Cheong-san called the police.

I looked out the window and saw a white bus pulled into the gate, the gate open and all. I covered my mouth in shock and began thinking that this was how the world was gonna end. The whole of Hyosan would be infected as soon as they escaped.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" Su-hyeok asked, appearing beside me.

"The gates open. They're all gonna get out now, we no longer have to worry about just our school... but now the whole of Hyosan." I said and he looked shocked as well, eying the open gate.

"We'll be okay, we'll protect each other. Me, you, and Nam-ra, we'll all survive together." He said and looked at me, I looked at him and began to blush as we just stared into each others eyes.

"What have you done as our classroom president?" We turned around to see Na-yeon picking on Nam-ra. Nam-ra just sat at a desk as Na-yeon stared daggers into her.

"What would she do? Can she go out there and tell the teachers office? Would that even work?" I stepped up and turned to face them.

"Y/N it's fine-"

"Why are you asking me?" Na-yeon responded to me.

"You said she had to do something. Isn't that what you meant?" I scoffed.

"Stop it, all of both of you. Nam-ra, Na-yeon is just saying you should lead because you're our classroom president." On-jo said and I rolled my eyes, they've never seen her till now.

"You guys are funny." I muttered.

"Now she's your classroom president? Just because we're in this mess?" I scolded and Su-hyeok grabbed my elbow to try and calm me down, it clearly worked because I turning pink with blush and went to Nam-ra.

"We called the police let's just wait." Su-hyeok reasoned.

They went back to blocking the doors and suddenly before Gyeong-su could even reach his door, it burst open and a teacher came in. We jumped back. He was fine and suggested we barricade the doors. We started but I heard I-sak mention to On-jo the teachers arm.

I looked and there was red bite mark.

Angel (Su-hyeok X Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now