Chapter Eighteen

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We turned to see Wooyoung behind us, smiling at the boys.

"Seong-wu, Chan, and Leo can stay and eat with you guys. You're all from the same school so why not?" He smiled and the guys just nodded and looked at us.


"No." Su-hyeok spoke before I could and Wooyoung looked at him in shock.

"What did you say to me?" Wooyoung scoffed.

"They can't sit with us, because we have no more chairs and we are sitting at the biggest table. Nor do I want those guys around my girlfriend after all they've put her through. Now you can try and let them sit with us but I guarantee we'll give you a hell've a good reason not to." He replied and you could see Wooyoung tense up in anger and annoyance.

"Fine, boy's you can eat with me." He said through clenched teeth and they nodded with a slight shrug of their shoulders.

"See you later princess." Leo smirked.

"Bye bye babe." Chan sang.

"We should do that day again sometime soon, okay?" Seong-wu was the worst out of them. He was the one that took the pictures and started the whole thing.

Su-hyeok almost got up and was ready to fight him but I knew I couldn't risk the third strike and grabbed his wrist and sat him back down.

"He's not worth it-"

"But you are." He sighed and got up but walked a different way than the guys and I just exhaled and got up to follow him.

I walked to our room and went in to see him sitting on the ground with his back against the bed.

"Su-hyeok, I'm sorry-"

"Don't apologize, I don't wanna hear it." I was shocked and scared that he wasn't gonna twist it around, until he did, "It's my fault and you shouldn't be apologizing. He just makes me so mad and the fact Wooyoung is allowing him to get away with this even after we explained everything. I just wish, I wish I could just kill him."

"Su-hyeok don't speak like that-"

"But he does! He deserves to be in prison or the death sentence. I don't understand how he survived this."

"Su-hyeok," I sighed and sat down next to him, hooking my arm in his and leaned my head against his shoulder. "I'll be okay, I have you and Nam-ra to protect me."


I had all of my friends and our new friends on my side, they kept me busy and away from those three (Seong-wu, Leo, and Chan). They were actually really good at it, but it came to the day I was allowed and assigned to shower. I grabbed my towels and closed the door behind me.

I was turned on the shower in the room (like at a swimming pool) and stepped out of the way of the spray to take off my clothes, I only got my shirt off when the door opened.

How did I forget to lock the door?

I turned to see the fucking devil and his two fucking demons beside him. My heart sped up and I thought I was gonna pass out.

Bite them

Do it

They deserve it

I blocked out the voice and they were almost chest to chest with me on every side of the triangle around me. I looked down to avoid eye contact, the intimidation would be too much.

"Look at me bitch." Seong-wu said and lifted my face up harshly with his hand.

"I know you loved it, I got what I wanted even if I had to spread your legs for you. So if I have to do that again to prove a point, I will do it and you know I am more than capable of it." He said and I tried to push them away but Chan and Leo grabbed my arms and I began to go into fight or flight mode.

I began thrashing around until Seong-wu grabbed and slammed my shoulder against the wall and I got the air knocked out of me.

He licked his lips and leaned in with an open mouth to kiss me as one of Chan's hands and one of Leo's began to roam.

Do it.

Do what

Make them regret this, bite it

I let it take over my mind as my vision was surrounded in red and veins. I bit what I could and ripped it out. All I heard was shocked shouts as I let myself become unhinged. I shoved his tongue into my mouth, the whole thing and scarfed it down before letting the zombie in me out and I was almost a spectator as I watched them bite their necks and they bled out.

When I came to my senses and back to panic, hyperventilating and screaming internally. I locked them in the bathroom and fell down against the back of the door after locking it and began to sob as the shower still fell, wasting the hot water.

It was what felt like maybe 20 minutes when I heard someone knock at the door.

"Y/N? It's me." Su-hyeok said and I almost sobbed louder at his voice. He obviously heard and rushed in to see me sitting in the water and against the closet.

"Y/N what happened?" He asked and closed and locked the door behind him before shutting off the water and then going to hold me close.

"They're in the closet, Seong-wu just leaned in and Chan and Leo held me and started to touch me and then I bit his tongue and- and- and." I felt word vomit come up instead I turned towards the drain and let it come out, my sobs between the actual vomit coming out. He held my hair back in a ponytail and rubbed my back until he cleaned up and snuck me out before bringing me to our room and telling everyone to make sure no one used the shower until they thought of a plan.

He got me my second pair of clothes and helped dress me as I laid in bed just realizing how much of a monster I was.

I needed to leave.

He laid down next to me and I just simply said:

"I have a lot of regrets in my life, but I have to tell you Su-hyeok... moving to Hyosan High has got to be at the top of my fucking list."



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