Chapter Three

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I was waken up by the doors of the roof slamming open.

"Y/N!" I heard Su-hyeok's voice call out for me. There was a sick part of me that wanted Nam-ra to not be with them so she couldn't lead them to me.

"Over here Su-hyeok!"


Don't get me wrong I love that my best friend was alive but damned because she would show them to me. It was darker now so I knew it was later in the day, but I wasn't a zombie yet.

I knew in zombie movies there was always people that were immune but why was I one? Or is it just taking longer to kill me.

Their footsteps approached fast and I kept wishing for my body to listen to me and stand up to jump, but no.

I stayed put with my legs crossed and my hands in my lap.

"Y/N!" Nam-ra cheered. She rushed down to hug me and I couldn't help but hug her back.

"Thank god you're alive." Nam-ra exhaled and I sniffed, tears going down my cheeks.

"Let's start a fire, and build an SOS sign." On-jo said and Nam-ra helped me up. I helped them build a sign and fire. They all sat around the fire as it grew darker but I sat on the ledge of the building just staring out over the end of the world, where I would die in a place I hate.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Nam-ra's legs swing over the edge like mine.


"I was bit Y/N."

I looked at her in shock and she looked down to the ground.

"Su-hyeok is the reason I stayed with the group. I think I'm like Gwi-nam."


"He got bit and isn't a zombie, Su-hyeok and I fought him and he recognized us and everything. He bit me then I wanted to bite Su-hyeok but didn't, so maybe I turned but not completely"



"I got bit too." It was now her turn to look at me shocked. I grabbed her hand and held it in one of mine as I grabbed my made up bandage and took it off to reveal my bite mark. I put it back on as soon as she tried to touch it.

"I got up here and two were chasing after me, I tried fending them off with my knife I got from the kitchen but then one got my arm. I haven't turned yet so maybe I'm like you and Gwi-nam. Maybe I won't turn completely." I sighed and she nodded.

She placed her head on my shoulder as I stared at the ground.

"Nam-ra, do you think I would die if I jumped now?" She shook her head.

"You don't think so?" I questioned.

"No I'm telling you not to jump idiot. I need my best friend with me till the very end. Remember what Su-hyeok said; you, me, and him will survive together." She said and looked to me when she lifted her head.

"Now come join us by the fire." Nam-ra suggested and got up and motioned me to follow her to the fire. I got up and took one step before I changed direction and headed back to my shady corner.

I sat down. It was quiet, I was in the dark, behind the shed so no one could see me till the got beside me. I sighed and basked in the dark. I breathed in the metallic scented air and sighed. I heard footsteps approaching. I looked to my left and saw Su-hyeok.

"It's warmer by the fire." He proposed.

"I'm fine here." I said and looked back at the sky.

"You shouldn't be alone."

"You shouldn't be near me."


"I heard Nam-ra wanted to bite you but resisted."

"Yeah, and?"

"What if I bite you?" I said, looking up at him and he just stood there frozen before sighing and joining me in the darkness where no one could see.

"You won't-"

"I was bit Su-hyeok."

"And so was Nam-ra but she didn't bit me or turn."

"But she was bit by Gwi-nam."

"So? Gwi-nam was bit by zombies and didn't turn, why are you any different?"

"Gwi-nam is so much different than me in many ways. Taller, opposite gender, tough-"

"Y/N don't-" Su-hyeok sighed.

"Su-hyeok, why do you care?" I scoffed.

"Why shouldn't I?" He replied and looked at me.


"Because why?"

"Su-hyeok, I am the school's whore. You are the school's bad boy turned good, the angel, the best looking guy around. Why the hell would someone like you care for someone like me?" I explained and he just sighed a big exhale and looked at his hands.

"Maybe because I like you Y/N."



"Su-hyeok what are you talking about? Did the zombie blood smell go to your brain?" I chuckled, blushing so hard that I thanked the darkness for the cover.

"Is it not obvious Y/N? I like you for you because your nice, sweet, caring, thoughtful, and totally tough-"

"How would you know? I'm obviously not tough since the fucking soccer team got me."

"You're mentally tough, you get through hardships the way I dream of."

"But still I'm the school's who-"

"I know what happened that day Y/N. And don't try to lie to me, I know what those six soccer guys got away with."

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