Chapter Fourteen

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We were all gathered in one of the rooms late at night because we were scared of sleeping apart. Well we weren't all there. Nam-ra and Y/N and the rest of the girls in our group too, were invited to hang out with the five other girls our age at this compound as they called it.

We were just all talking when we heard laughter in the hallway, I mean our door was opened so why wouldn't we hear it.

"Nam-ra!" Y/N laughed we all got up so see Nam-ra sitting down on the floor just laughing.

"You went from class president to stripper in point two seconds." Y/N said and Nam-ra fell back laughing.

"Y/N, come on, can you blame her? Lip & Hip is on." This other girl said and Y/N shrugged and nodded.

"It's refreshing, I haven't had this much fun in a good while." Nam-ra chuckled as she caught her breath and Y/N helped her stand up.

"This music is doing something to them." Another girl joked.

"HyunA is taking over." Nam-ra giggled and Y/N laughed too.

"Oh hey! It's your friends!" They said and Y/N and Nam-ra whipped around and saw us, immediately they smiled a bit wider and waved.

"This is On-jo and Hyo-ryeong and the guys. Guys this is Soojin, Bora, SuA, Irene, and Seiren." Y/N introduced us to them and them to us. We waved and they all smiled and waved back, except for Bora.

"Sorry, Bora is grumpy because we wouldn't let her beat up this one zombie an hour ago. We are some of the runners in the compound that get's stuff from the outside so we see zombies on the daily." Soojin explained.

"He was right there and running towards us, I could've taken him!" Bora exclaimed.

"He was massive!" SuA replied with laughter.

"But Y/N and Seiren are always right and they say that size doesn't matter." Bora humphed and Y/N and Seiren looked at each other and started laughing so hard as the rest of the girls fell to the floor laughing.

"Wait, is that a sex thing? EW! I though you were talking about the size of weapons!" Bora said and Y/N looked at Nam-ra who looked at us, I made eye contact with Y/N and she looked away, blush creeping onto her flushed face.

"Don't look at me." She wheezed with laughter and tried to catch her breath.

"Wait, which one of you is Su-hyeok?" Irene asked and before I could say anything Y/N pointed to me hesitantly and shakily from her lack of oxygen.

"Treat this girl well." Seiren smiled and hugged Y/N's side.

"I will." I chuckled and Y/N covered her face with her hands in blush.

"On-jo and Hyo-ryeong, you should come hang with us for a bit. We're gonna go meet Irene's boyfriend and his friends two hallways down." Nam-ra said and they shook their heads and politely decided the offer. As they walked away and we turned our way, I felt a hand on my wrist and something slip into my hand, like something that felt like foil packaging.

I turned to see Y/N and saw she had slipped me a granola bar.

"I can hear your stomach, you're hungry. Eat this whenever but tonight so you will can sleep well." Y/N whispered and I smiled.

I kissed her cheek as I responded, "Thank you Angel. I will."

She smiled with a slight blush on her cheeks but I could tell it was from me and not her laughing fit earlier, it was slightly more of a brighter, hotter pink.

She ran back to Nam-ra and the girls who began teasing Y/N and she gave me one last look back and smiled at me before tucking his hair began her ears and Seiren dragged her around the corner.

I turned back and went into the room where the group were just listening to the guys slyly talk about how the girls Nam-ra and Y/N were with were attractive.

The next morning I woke up and Y/N wasn't there but the blanket was moved to show she did get out of the bed. I met up with the group and we talked until 9:30am when we were told it was breakfast time.

We walked in and saw Y/N at our table with Nam-ra and the girls from last night and three guys. They were laughing and talking, they seemed to be having a great time, so great I wondered if Nam-ra and Y/N would even notice our footsteps.

"Do you think they'll be better friends to them than we can?" On-jo asked me and right at that Y/N and Nam-ra's head perked up and they motioned for the people to move and turned to us, motioning for us to come and sit.

"Our friends are here, we're gonna eat with them." Y/N said and we got our food. They waved goodbye to their new friends as they walked off and we sat down.

"Did you hear me come in late last night?" Y/N asked and I shook my head.

"Did you eat the granola bar?" She whispered and I chuckled and nodded.

"Sorry I wasn't there at night and there in the morning, Nam-ra wanted to come here early with Seiren and the guy and-"

"No need to explain Angel." I cut her off with a smile on my face and one crept up onto hers before we went back to eating.

"So you like your new friends?" Dae-su asked, but his tone gave away that he was jealous.

"Dae-su, guys, we still like all you, you are our original friends and forever are. You guys are first place always." Y/N assured and we all smiled, Dae-su even blushed. During our meal Y/N perked up.

"Did you hear that Nam-ra?" She asked and we all looked to them, Nam-ra looked up too.

"I did." Nam-ra responded.

"What was it?" Joon-yeong asked. They stayed quiet and we noticed it was because Wooyoung was right behind them.

"What did you hear girls?" He asked, clearly he already knew something. "I asked you girls a question."

"We heard a clink." Y/N mumbled.

"Like what?"

"Like a... pin dropping."

Wooyoung scoffed and grabbed one of each of the girls shoulders and squeezed them.

"And how did you hear that with everyone in here talking?"

Oh shit.

Angel (Su-hyeok X Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now