Chapter Twenty-Three

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TIME SKIP- New Years Eve

We woke up and groaned, more testing. They took skin sample after skin sample and even my tears and blood. They were greedy but who could blame them. I wanted the cure just as much so I could leave this hell hole and go somewhere else.

"What the fuck do you want now you greedy pieces of shit?" I groaned and opened my eyes to see Su-hyeok in front of me.

"What? What are you doing here? If they catch you, they'll be so mad." I warned and he began to get the straps off me and I looked to Nam-ra and saw On-jo was helping her out.

"We're running away Y/N, we're leaving. Somewhere nice, just you and me. We'll hide there till they lose interest-"

"Su-hyeok, how?" I asked.

"On-jo's dad, So-ju, and his co-worker, U-sin, plus this detective Jae-il want to get us out of here and we wouldn't leave without you guys so they agreed to help us escape as long as they have connection with us for the next six months so they know you both aren't turning." He explained and helped me walk out as we snuck through the halls all the way out to the courtyard and ran to a corner where On-jo's dad dropped us a rope and we began climbing.

They saw us so me and Nam-ra let them go up first and we fought them off by dodging bullets with our incredible hearing and then jumped up onto the wall after climbing a bit. We all jumped down and we ran through the field as bullets rained down on us and got into some trees where we got to the other side and saw a plane with other survivors on it. We snuck into the back seats and watched as Hyosan became smaller and smaller.

Suddenly me and Nam-ra winced at the high pitched sound again sound and Su-hyeok quickly tore a part of his shirt away and made us ear plugs. Suddenly loud booms went off and he helped me cover my ears as we looked out the window and saw parts of Hyosan blowing up, they were bombing the city.

"They're using the sounds to draw the zombies near and then bombing the populated areas." Cheong-san explained as we flew away.

It was about two hours before we landed in where I was guessing was Seoul and people came out of the front and began getting people off. A man who recognized us came out as we were the last ones to leave and gave us a bag of stuff.

"Passports and once we get in there I can sneak you on your flights with U-sin and So-ju." He said and we all thanked him as we took our stuff and headed off the plane and around into the airport.

"Where do you want to go Angel?" Su-hyeok asked.

"Jeju-si maybe. I heard it's beautiful and I have an aunt there who I can contact to help us." I said and he nodded as we got our tickets and once we were all ready we all stopped and looked at each other. None of us had cell phones or any electronics so none of us could contact each other.

"Maybe we'll meet again in another life, where there isn't so much death and survival." I sighed and teared up as I hugged Nam-ra who was going to Daegu to find her uncle and aunt.

"I don't want to leave you." She cried and I began to cry too. I sniffed and hugged her tighter. We all began to hug each other before doing a group hug and I waited and said goodbye to everyone as we, one by one, went to our gates.

"Bye Min-jae, have fun on the national team here in Seoul."

ten to nine.

"Bye Mi-jin and Joon-sung, have fun in Busan."

nine to seven.

"Goodbye Ha-ri and Wu-jin, I hope you find your grandparents in Ulsan."

seven to five.

"Bye Dae-su, I wish you the best in Gwangju."

five to four.

"Goodbye Hyo-ryeong, I hope you have fun in Incheon."

four to three.

"Goodbye Cheong-san and On-jo, have fun back in Yangju-dong, open a chicken restaurant just for us to visit."

three to one.

I sighed as tears went down my cheeks like the rapids, I looked to Nam-ra who was already crying. I engulf her in the tightest hug I could.

"We will meet again, just later though. I will find a way to see you again." I cried and Su-hyeok hugged us too.

"I told you we'd survive together." He sniffed and we all looked at each other.

"We have to go." U-sin sighed and held Nam-ra's shoulder.

"Goodbye Nam-ra, my best friend, my fucking bestie. We may not meet again soon or even in this life but I will always have you as my best friend. We will meet again because in every life, in the past, the present, and forever in the future... we will always be best friends." I hugged her quickly again.

"Thank you..... for being my friend." I sobbed.

"I don't want to leave you." She sniffed and said again.

"We will always be best friends, no matter how far apart we are. I will find you again." I sighed and wiped her tears and mine as she walked away.

one to zero.


Lol I actually cried while writing the end of this chapter so idk if i'm just emotional and this sucks or I am actually a good writer

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