Chapter Eight

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(pov set Y/N)

We sat in awkward silence as I looked occasionally out the window at the rain falling and the zombies roaming the streets.

"So you and Su-hyeok..." On-jo trailed off and I just let my stomach drop and sighed. This was bound to happen eventually.

"Yeah, kinda. He hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet but I guess in this world you don't really have time to talk because you're always running and trying to survive." I shrugged.

"Treat him good." On-jo said and I just nodded.

"You don't like me that much, do you On-jo?" I asked and she just twirled her fingers in her hands and looked down at them like they were the most interesting thing ever. I exhaled and sat down on the brick of the fireplace.

"I meant no offense when I asked Nam-ra to stay with us-"

"I took no offense." I cut her off.

"Did Su-hyeok ever tell you why he liked you?" She asked after a bit of awkward silence.

"I don't think so, just just said he knew he cared for me even after the rumors." I shrugged.

"So it's not like a look?"

"On-jo why do you ask?"

"The day this world went to hell, I was gonna confess to him." I froze and just held my breath. My heart belonged to him, On-jo's heart belonged to him, but did his heart really belong to me?

"On-jo I had no idea you liked him, I thought you liked Cheong-san." I sighed.

"Well it's too late now I guess, but just treat him well Y/N."

"I will, and On-jo?"


"I hope we can be friends, I know you believe the rumors but they're all fake started by the soccer guys."

"But then those pictures?"

"They were me but it was kinda not my choice."

"You mean they r... ra... r-"

"You don't have to say the word On-jo." I sighed.

"I'm so sorry Y/N, that I believed those rumors." She apologized.

"You don't need to apologize, just please don't look at me with sympathy. I need to feel normal and not like a victim." I asked of her.

"You're a survivor, Y/N. I wish one day I can be half the woman you are." On-jo smiled weakly.

"On-jo... I know you like Su-hyeok, but I can see the way Cheong-san looks at you. Give him a chance, I know it may be awkward but at least you know him and aren't going into it blind or having other expectations." I advised.

"I do like Cheong-san... I just also like Su-hyeok. But now you have Su-hyeok, and then I can have my best friend. I'll give him a chance maybe."

"Y/N?" She called after a five second silence.

"Yes On-jo?"

"... nothing, never-mind." I looked at her but she avoided eye contact.

We stayed up till 2am until we both needed sleep and went down to get two new people. Nam-ra and Cheong-san volunteered. I laid down next to Su-hyeok who seemed to be fast asleep. I pulled the blanket up to my chin and turned to face the wall, away from Su-hyeok, and curled into a ball with my hand on the mattress in front of my face.

I felt Su-hyeok wrap his arms around me and my breathing hitched. He put one arm under my head so I could use him as a pillow and then took the other hand and intertwined our fingers and just held my hands so tight.

His body gave my warmth with his chest pressed against my back.

"Good night Angel." He whispered so soft I could barely hear and put his head into the back of my neck.

TIME SKIP~ Two Weeks

It's felt like forever since we got to my fathers house and into this basement.

Two weeks of eating shelf-stable foods and sleeping on mattresses.

It was late one night when I felt a strange feeling.

Kill them


I looked over at Su-hyeok and the voice spoke again.

Bite him

Suddenly the outer circle of my vision went red and veiny as I looked at Su-hyeok's neck. He was laid on his back and his head listed away from me, he neck looked so...... tasty.

Do it

I leaned closer until I realized what I was doing and quickly grabbed the bottom hem of my cardigan and bit into it instead.

Bite him

I quickly and quietly got up and went upstairs to where Nam-ra and Hyo-ryeong were doing a watch.

I saw Hyo-ryeong asleep on the couch and Nam-ra looking at her. I cleared my throat and got her attention. I sat beside her on the floor and leaned my head against her shoulder. I sighed out before Nam-ra spoke,


"Yeah Nam-ra?"

"Why can't I hear your heart?"

Angel (Su-hyeok X Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now