(FINALE) Chapter Twenty-Four

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(pov set Su-hyeok)

It was finally time, we would head back to Hyosan.

Its been two years since we left and the military has confirmed it was no longer radioactive or condemned from the bombs and no more zombies were there. Me and Y/N were flying back to Yangju-dong and driving to the entrance provided to Hyosan. Only the survivors were allowed to go in, it was like a final goodbye and a final breath in the city we once loved.

Me and Y/N have actually been doing really good, well other than missing our friends every day of every week of every months for the past two years since we last saw them.

We met Y/N's aunt who happened to be an online teacher and homeschooled us until we could officially graduate at our nearest high school.

We moved out and were now doing a year off of schooling before college or university to travel and grow her business, yes she had a business.

Being a girl who spent months in the same clothes, she cared more about clothing than I thought. So it started out as a small project of selling clothes to help the survivors of the zombie outbreak in Hyosan, then it grew online and internationally that it's now a huge fashion brand. She made it affordable yet great quality and in a few months she was already making money back.

It got so good we now live in a 2.6 million dollar house because of her business. It's called 'annihilation' and it's valued very high and very surprising for only being less than two years old. It's said to be up their with Chanel and those brands, some even compare it to Gucci, but Y/N just laughs at that.

She has fashion shows with models from all over the world in it and was selling out after minutes of restock and pre-saved quantities.

We got to Hyosan and everyone was looking at Y/N. I mean she was now almost a household name because of how famous her brand was. She was wearing something she made that could be apart of her new collection but she was still on the fence.


We began our tour around as we were split into groups and we all met back at the school, where it all started.

"We win." Y/N spoke and I looked at her, our hands intertwined, and just saw her with a small but sad smile on her face.

"Hows that?"

"We're the last men standing." She explained, "It was you and me from our school. Everyone else we either haven't heard from in years or died."


I understood what she was saying with her eyes as a single tear fell down her cheek.

I wiped it away with my thumb and my hands against her cheek, she laid her head into my palm as I leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips. I just simply said, "They still think of us too, we all miss each otehr."

"But I'm bigger now, I'm more famous, don't they know they can reach out now?" She sniffed and we heard a gasp.


We whipped our heads in that direction and saw Nam-ra and Peniel.

"Nam-ra." She breathed out and they ran into each others arms. They started to cry and then they got more stares until On-jo and Cheong-san joined, and Mi-jin and Joon-sung, Ha-ri and Wu-jin, Hyo-ryeong, Dae-su, and Min-jae too. Then Irene, SuA, Seiren, Bora, and Soojin. And finally Taehyun and Seokjin.

"Where's Kihyun?" I asked and everyone just looked at me, wondering in their heads why I'd want to see him.

"Who cares?" Nam-ra chuckled and we all started to laugh. The girls all hooked arms and walked ahead of us and they all just laughed and talked as we did too.

We then went back to Yangju-dong and On-jo and Cheong-san brought us to this address downtown; which was known as Cheong-san Chicken.

They ended up opening a restaurant to celebrate his mothers original dream, we sat inside and tried their food as we all laughed and caught up. Eventually the girls separated from the guys and we were just looking at them, admiring them.

"Y/N must be like 'someone should call the doctor!'." On-jo laughed loudly and Y/N fell backwards laughing. We didn't know the context but laughed with them. Y/N ran over to us and grabbed her purse before rummaging through and grabbing her phone.

"Do you guys want to come to the fashion show I'm having in Jeju-si next week?" She asked and they all immediately said yes and wanted to go so she called her assistants and got them all tickets to the show.

She also tapped Dae-su on the shoulder and whispered to him something about Hyo-ryeong and he got excited yet at the same time kept it calm. She walked back over to the girls and I felt something in my pocket.

"You're so fucking in love Bare-su." Dae-su teased and I chuckled and pulled the box out of my pocket.

"Wait is that what I think it is?" Cheong-san whispered in shock and excitement. I flipped open the box and they all shielded it so Y/N didn't see.

I got her an engagement ring.

"We're gonna go back to Hyosan tonight for one last look before leaving town and going home." I smiled widely and closed it back up and put in back in my trench coat pocket.

"Do it!" Wu-jin whispered and jumped excitedly.

"Hey Angel?" I called.

"Yeah babe?" She turned to look at me.

"Want to do one last look right now because our plane leaves in five hours and if we want one last look we need to leave now probably." I advised and she nodded.

Everyone exchanged numbers and sent them the invites to the fashion show before we held hands and I opened the door for her, I turn back and look at our friends.

I was so lucky.

The girl of my dreams.

The best friends ever.

We survived.

I gave one last look to Cheong-san and he mouthed to me, "Congratulations on the engagement."

I smiled widely and left with Y/N.

Here we go, a new chapter.

I'm so ready.


Let me know if you want a fashion show and/or engagement view chapter

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