Chapter Twenty-One

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It's been three days and we're all getting antsy about Y/N being gone, but the crazier part is Kihyun refused to come out of his room now. I mean yes I kicked his ass but now he's just being whiny and a baby.

I was secretly packing up with Nam-ra as we were gonna go and find Y/N, because she's my girlfriend and she's Nam-ra's best friend and we shouldn't let her be alone like this, in a world like this, feeling how she is.

We stole some snacks from the lunch room and pack up those and some waters as well as the blanket and a pillow from our rooms with all those clothes we used, including out old uniforms. It was late when we snuck upstairs and just opened the door a crack before hearing steps up the stairs.

"Are you going to Y/N too?" We turned back to see On-jo all packed up with Cheong-san and the others.

"Why are you all going?" Nam-ra asked.

"You guys aren't the only ones that care for Y/N." Mi-jin said and held her spear/stick.

"Let's go then, before people wake up." I said and we opened the door again when we heard Wooyoung's voice boom behind us.

"And where do you think you're going?" We sighed and turned to look at him.

"We're leaving to find Y/N-"

"You'll die out there." He replied before the sentence was even finished.

"She's our friend and she shouldn't be alone." I said.

"You can't just steal our stuff."

"And you shouldn't have locked up Y/N."

"Watch your ton-"

"We're leaving." I said and made sure everyone got out before me and I turned back to Wooyoung. I stared him dead in the eyes with anger and disappointment that someone that's in charge of other people could have so little regard for the human life. "We'll be okay, if you ever were wondering."

"Do you even know where Y/N is?" He asked.

"I do." Nam-ra said and pulled me out.

I closed the door behind myself and walked up to the group. We opened the gate and began our quiet and stealthy walk back the path we came when running here from Y/N's house.

We got back to the bus and got on, only to see a Ji-min zombie. She was charging at On-jo but Nam-ra pushed her back till she opened the back emergency door and threw her out.

We started the bus again and drove to where Nam-ra directed.

We were back at the school.

"Why are we here at this zombie infested hell?" Mi-jin asked.

"Look up there." We saw light exuding off the rooftop.

"She said she was sad when she missed our fire, I thought she'd want to be somewhere like this again where she could have a fire and pretend we're there because when it was just her, not even me yet, she told me she would pretend to have friends so she didn't feel lonely sometimes."

Nam-ra scouted our way up the first two level's until we ran into a hoard.

"Run away." She breathed out and began rushing us in the other direction to the south end stairs.

We began fighting our way up, but instead half of us kept the zombies behind us at bay and the other ones cleared our road ahead. We got to the roof and I opened it slightly to see Y/N standing in front of a light which I assumed was the fire.

I burst open the door as the people flooded in behind me as we blocked the zombies from getting up.

"Y/N..." Nam-ra trailed off when I saw on the other side of the fire was none other than Gwi-nam.

"Well aren't we gonna feast well tonight-"

"They weren't apart of our deal."

"What deal?" I asked.

"Your little girlfriend is on my side now, we belong on the same side. You use her, you all do, now she and I are on the same side." Gwi-nam smirked.

"Y/N I get you feel bad about Joon-yeong but do you really think you're the same as Gwi-nam?" On-jo asked.

"How are we different? He killed people, I killed people, we're both half and half-"

"He's trying to kill Cheong-san!" Dae-su exclaimed.

"The deal was we don't hurt you guys if I join his side-"

"And tell him what you have to do to prove you're on my side." He smirked devilishly.

"I already did what you asked." Y/N said and elbowed him in the stomach.

"What did you do Y/N?" I exhaled.

"Don't worry I didn't do anything, I just showed proof that I infected someone. Those guys at the house and the bodies you guys threw outside of Chan, Seong-wu and Leo." She explained and I sighed before she went to the rooftop door.

"You're precious Angel, is my babydoll-"

"Don't even try Gwi-nam."

"Anyways she's on my side, suck it fuckers."

"Let's go."

"Where will you go?" Hyo-ryeong asked.

"Far away hopefully." Y/N sighed.

"You know what Y/N, maybe you didn't prove you're on my side." Gwi-nam smirked at us.

"What do you mean I showed you that I was like you, what other proof do you want?" Y/N groaned.

"Bite one of them."

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