Chapter Twenty

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..... out."

This boy really wants an issue, he'll get an issue if that's what he's aiming for.

"Pardon?" I asked and walked back up to him. He just smirked and shook his head while looking down.

"Nothing." He said and walked past me. I clenched my fists, he really thinks he can just get away with this? I sighed and looked at Y/N, she wouldn't want me to fight him, but she wouldn't want to be talked about like that.

I walked back to my room to try and sleep again but I didn't get much because Y/N wasn't in my arms like she usually was.

I woke up and immediately went to see Y/N. She was sitting up on her bed just biting at her nails.

"Did you fire the gun last night?" I asked, she avoided my gaze and kept bitting down on her nails.

"And what if I did?" I sighed at her response, I tried to open the door but remembered it was locked, i'm an idiot. I went to the cafe and got a plate before returning to her cell and giving her food through the slot.

We talked a bit before I asked the main question again.

"Did you fire the gun?"


"Hey Y/N~" Kihyun sang and smirked at us.

"Hey Kihyun." Y/N spoke.

"So is Su-hyeok really your boyfriend? I gotta ask because he said he is and I think its bull-"

"Yes he is, Su-hyeok is my boyfriend." She said and I smirked at him as his smirk fell and he began to stutter, asking why I was and Y/N just simply answered.

"He has been my crush since I started at Hyosan High, then he didn't believe the rumors, stuck with me throughout this, and yeah." She shrugged. "Anyways what were you saying Su-hyeok?"


"Y/N could be of use Wooyoung! People like us are stronger and can hear better. We can be of use instead of you caging her." Nam-ra explained and we heard many footsteps coming closer.

"But the cage is needed." Wooyoung sighed.

"Needed if she turned in self defense?!" On-jo sighed.

"Incase you need to kill me but trust me, you can't, I tried." We all sat in silence as she got up and showed a pistol she got from underneath her pillow.

"I go low, real low, and didn't see an end and haven't since I got bit. So I put this bullet in my mouth and the zombie in me spit it back out." She explained and handed me the gun.


"Now let me out so I can leave, the mutants chase me so they can kill me." Y/N said and we all just watched as she grabbed the lock and tried to move it.

Kihyun then groaned and looked at me.

"If she leaves, I leave." He stated.

"Look I get you're in love with my girlfriend but if anyones leaving with her it's us." I said and Kihyun ran at me and tried to punch me.

"I could be a better boyfriend than you." He grunted as he threw punches and I dodged. We fought our way into the main entry. Tackling each other and kicking each other, throwing our clenched fists to the other persons face.

We were pulled off each other and we were just yelling at each other, trying to justify our right to hit the other. Wooyoung just yelled to make us stop before we got too out of control. We heard the patter of footsteps and Y/N came around the corner with her duffle bag in hand.

"If you so much as throw one more punch, I will bite you both." She said and everyone backed up from her either at her threat or just the fear of her possibly turning.

"Kihyun, he is my boyfriend and will protect me and fight for me like any good boyfriend would. I love him, not you. Don't think nor speak of me in that way or I swear I will bite you myself. And Su-hyeok, fighting is not to answer to everything, I get we are in an apocalypse right now and we're all technically fighting to survive but don't throw punches just because someone speaks of me in such a way that makes you mad." She lectured.

"I'm leaving." She sighed and all of us from Hyosan High stared at her in shock and tried to convince her otherwise.

"I killed four people in the span of four days, I'm a monster. So I'm leaving to be with my own kind."

"Y/N you're not a monster, you don't have to leave to live with the zombies." Wu-jin sighed.

"I'm not talking about zombies."

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