Chapter Twenty-Two

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TIME SKIP- Christmas Eve

We were lucky to be here. Y/N could've easily bitten one of us but she didn't. It still made me sick how she had to hold his hand and walk away with him by her side. We got on the bus after following them down as they ran out into the street and away from few. We were stopped by a car from Wooyoung's compound go by so we followed and made it to a military compound where we were tested and quarantined, Nam-ra was able to stay as they didn't figure out her half and half thing.

We were given a shower and new clothes to get us through the colder winter times and we were given a bed to sleep in. They gave us all our belonging back and every night I sat on my bed and held something I stole from Y/N's uniform which was her name tag. I saw On-jo and Cheong-san do it so I thought it'd make me feel closer to Y/N.

But no, it just made me miss her more.

I didn't know if she was safe or even alive even though I knew she couldn't die.

But she was with Gwi-nam which was the scariest thing of all.

It was the Christmas Eve now and everyone was down, no gift giving, we've all lost our loved ones, and no decorations. No moral at all. We tried to help the kids by doing the coloring pages with them but everything lead back to when was their dead loved one coming home. It was depressing as all hell, but we never showed that to try and keep them positive.

We were walking around outside on the nicest winter day so far when we heard grunts and groans of pain.

"You two timing, back stabbing, psychotic fucker." I recognized that voice. We heard footsteps and saw the military surrounding the sound in a circle. We got closer and saw a girl on the ground, struggling to get up as Gwi-nam held her down.

"You really thought I'd join you?" Y/N was here. She threw him up in the air with her legs and gasped for air. I was wondering why the military was doing nothing, that was until I realized they just were scared to get involved.

"We had a deal." He coughed as he got up and charged at her. He has a knife in his hand and aimed it at Y/N's gut. She held the blade part in her hand as blood rained down to the snow and she just kept one hand pressing his shoulder to keep him a good distance away and kept her eyes locked on his.

"Can't you see I just needed you far enough away for them to escape. Now that you fucking tried to sacrifice me, which makes you the back stabber, I'm going to enjoy killing yo- AHHHHHH" Them and Nam-ra yelled in pain as a high pitched sound rang through the air. They all covered their ears and held them tightly as they fell to the ground in agony.

"We got them, lock them up." Someone said behind us and the sound stopped, the military men grabbed Y/N and Gwi-nam but also Nam-ra and cuffed their hands. They all took the weakened ones to another building as we protested but they aimed their guns at us and we were forced to stay back.

"At least we know she's alive." Dae-su sighed as they closed the doors behind them.

"Well her and Nam-ra might not be anymore." I sighed. "Who knows what they'll do to them."


(pov set Y/N)

They led us inside these rooms and locked us in. We all banged against the glass, just asking for answers and a peep into what they'll do to us, until the room filled with gas and we all started to drop one by one, sleeping in a deep dream but more likely nightmare.

As I awoke I felt pokes and pins on my body and groaned in pain as I looked over to see them harvesting some of my blood and skin tissues.

They saw me awake and quickly grabbed their stuff and left before a voice came over the speakers.

"You are all half zombie and half human, you may be the cure so we need you alive. Don't try to escape because we will shoot on sight." A male voice said and we just had to wait in silence until our next instruction or harvest or whatever science experiment they would want to do to us next.

I looked over to my left and saw Nam-ra. She looked at me after feeling my gaze and smiled weakly.

"We will get out of here." I mouthed and she just shook her head.

"I think it's the end of the road N/N." I almost began to cry at her use of my nickname that we haven't used since grade nine, we never used it unless we need to break tension or break bad news just because it might brighten it up a bit or make ourselves feel better about the news we were sharing.

"Don't say that Nam-ra."

"Then let's make a plan."

"Okay, if one of us escapes, we bring the other."

"Yes and we will run away to wherever we want."

"We have to bring the group too though."


I smiled weakly before she caught my attention again.

"I hope you and Su-hyeok get married." I blushed and laughed slightly.

"I hope you find love too Nam-ra, you deserve it so much."

"I like Peniel." She blushed and I giggled like a school girl at her crush.

We kept mouthing gossip to each other as I explained my reason and feelings before and after leaving then she caught me up on her, she called me selfish for leaving but I agreed with her, we planned for me, her, and Su-hyeok to survive together. But now we weren't going to.

I should've never come to the compound.

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