Chapter Fifteen

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We stood outside Wooyoung's room, awaiting the verdict of not only Y/N and Nam-ra's future here but maybe ours too. The door opened and Wooyoung walked out and back down to the base and Y/N and Nam-ra came out.

"What happened?" I asked urgently and everyone leaned in.

"We're allowed to stay but must keep this whole thing a secret. We will have to go on runs with everyone else to get more stuff. We are expected to bring back double the average one carries our first week and then this will die down once they know we are definitely not gonna turn." Nam-ra explained.

"So w- I mean you can stay?" Dae-su asked and they nodded.

"We are just gonna be under some rules." Y/N sighed and began walking away. We all quickly followed after her but Nam-ra stopped us.

"What's wrong with her?" Cheong-san asked.

"This was our second strike, we don't get a third. We're gonna be out if we piss him off one more time, he told us that he now sees us as monsters now and not humans. He doesn't want us to stay but will allow you to stay." Nam-ra explained.

"And let me guess, Y/N thinks it's all her fault?" On-jo sighed and Nam-ra nodded.

"Our first strike was when she stood up to the creeps hitting on me and her, us carrying the virus is the second strike. So she thinks everything is her fault." She said and I just watched Y/N walk away further and further.

We went to hang out in the lunch room at 1pm-ish when I noticed we hadn't seen Y/N for almost three whole hours. I went to our room and saw her laying on the bed in the dark.

Curled into a ball with her knees to her chest and her face to the wall.


"Don't call me that Su-hyeok."


"What did I just say?" I was shocked at how she was just not in a good mood. I looked at her and closed the door behind me, leaving us in pitch black darkness.

"Su-hyeok, I know you're still here, I can hear your heartbeat." She sighed and I smirked at her extraordinary hearing.

I sighed and locked the door before jumping on the bed beside her.


"You shouldn't be alone like this, in a world like this."

"You shouldn't be around me."

"Angel, you're not a zombie-"

"Then what am I? I look human but have zombie and monster abilities, I'm like this weird mutant."

"It doesn't make me love you any less."

"But how could you lo-"

"Don't even finish that sentence Angel. I loved you in the past and I will in the future no matter what, forever and always." I turned and wrapped my arms around her waist and held her back to my chest.

"I love you no matter human, zombie, monster, mutant, or even unicorn," she laughed and I smiled a bit. "you are still my Angel."

She sighed and turned to face me. Held a hand to her cheek and felt her tears wetting her silk skin and more fell down as she tried to look into my eyes in the darkness.

"Don't cry, Angel." I sighed and she sniffed.

"I just don't like feeling out of place. What am I? I'm not a kid nor an adult and now I'm not a human nor zombie. I just feel, different. I just wanna disappear." She sighed shakily.

"I belong wherever you are, so wherever you go I go." I said and pulled her head into my chest and kissed the top of her head. She cuddled in closer and I just felt so warm inside, I think we were truly meant to be just because if our love was created in and will survive this apocalypse, it could truly take us anywhere together.

We stayed like that for what felt like hours, I thought she was asleep when she looked up at me.

"Are you asleep?" She whispered and I hummed in response.

"Babe, what kind of answer was that?" She chuckled and I laughed too. I felt one of my arms around her waist still and the other around her shoulders. I took my arm from under her side and trailed my fingertips along her temple to her chin and felt two fingers under her chin and pulled her bottom lip down with my thumb as I attached our lips together.

"I'm awake."  I mumbled into her lips and she smiled and let out a chuckle. It slowly progressed to the point where I didn't feel control of my body.

I licked at the bottom lip of hers feverishly and she just left her mouth agape for me. I slipped my tongue in and left no part untouched. Our tongues wrestled to which I won easily, taking the dominant role in the kiss,

I progressed the night.

Angel (Su-hyeok X Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now