Chapter Seven

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We began to rationalize the food and check to make sure all the gas equipment worked. We all did our business and ate as soon as we could since we all haven't ate for a few days. Y/N prepared the food in silence as we assigned the five air mattresses.

"So we have Dae-su, Hyo-ryeong, On-jo, Cheong-san, Wu-jin,  Nam-ra, Su-hyeok, and Y/N but five mattresses."

"Let's partner up with the people we are most comfortable with." On-jo suggested and Cheong-san looked at her.

"Cheong-san and On-jo, Joon-yeong and Wu-jin, and-"

"Nam-ra can I sleep with you?" Hyo-ryeong asked and Nam-ra looked to Y/N.

"I can be with Y/N." I intercepted.

"Its official then. Dae-su gets his own, Cheong-san and On-jo, Joon-yeong and Wu-jin, Nam-ra and Hyo-ryeong, and then me and Y/N." I sighed and everyone nodded.

"This is just canned, chicken noodle soup and crackers so that we will fight off sickness from the rain and stay healthy and fed well. There's enough for two bowls and five crackers each if we are gonna continue with the rations." Y/N announced and began pouring some soup from a ladle into bowls and passed it out.

We all ate so fast it was a matter of minutes till we got seconds and then felt full.

"Everyone should drink the broth for hydration." I said and everyone nodded and sipped from their bowls. Y/N took them all and went upstairs to get new bowls and wash the old one.

The clock on the wall read 12:30am and everyone was tired. I went upstairs to get blankets. I heard humming from the kitchen and peeked in to see Y/N humming the tune to a song I recognized but didn't know the title to.

"What song are you humming?" I asked and she jumped and turned around, placing a hand over her heart and just scoffed out an exhale and smiled slightly.

"I was humming the tune to Feel Special by Twice-"

"Your favourite song." I finished for her and she nodded and took her hands from the water. She dried her hands off and walked to me.

"Blankets are in this closet. Theres some flashlights for night lights and we should take turns taking watch." She said and tried to reach the blankets on the top shelf, but she was too short and her fingers could barely graze the fabric.

She was so cute.

I stood behind her and grabbed it for her and she just chuckled before I placed it into her arms. I grabbed the rest of them and stacked flashlights on the stack.

"You're so cute." I smiled as she turned to face me.

"Thank you." She blushed and I smiled a bit wider, which I didn't know was possible. I tucked her hair behind her ears and held her cheeks as I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers. She melted quickly and I grabbed the blankets from her hands and placed them aside so I could bring her closer by holding her waist. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled away.

I didn't want this feeling to end, I just felt so... alive.

She put her ear to my chest and hugged me close to her. I placed my chin on her head and closed my eyes. I basked in this feeling, knowing it would have to end sooner than later.

"Your heart is beating a mile a minute." She whispered.

"That happens when you're around." I smiled and she looked at at me, blushing harshly as if she wasn't blushing enough before. I leaned in against but heard something drop so we both turned our heads to see On-jo just standing there in shock.

Y/N removed her arms and stepped back as my arms fell from her waist to my sides.

"I- I was just wanting to get blankets." She stuttered and Y/N grabbed the blankets and flashlights and sped-walked past her and down the stairs again. I looked down and rubbed the back on my neck awkwardly as On-jo just stared at me.

"So you and her?" On-jo said and looked down at her feet herself.

"Sorta, yeah." I said and we just stood in silence until I cleared my throat and suggested we go back to the group. We walked down in awkward silence and On-jo just sat next to Cheong-san who was asking her why she was so quiet. Y/N was giving out flashlights and blankets.

"Here On-jo, it's weighted I will warn you so it might heat up faster." Y/N said and held the blanket out to her but On-jo just stared at the ground, Cheong-san took it from Y/N.

"Me and Y/N think we should all take watches just to keep a sense of security over us all, just for while we sleep." I said and everyone agreed. Y/N sat down on the edge of the mattress as stared at On-jo.

"What's wrong?" Nam-ra asked Y/N.

"Nothing, just... I'm just not tired so I will take first watch." She said and stood up grabbing a baseball bat from the corner where her did put weapon-like-things to protect ourselves.

"I share a bed with her so I will-"

"I can take first watch with her." On-jo stood up and I opened my mouth to reply but On-jo already walked past me up the stairs.

I sat on the bed and tried to sleep but all I could think about was what On-jo is talking about to Y/N.

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