Chapter Five

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We heard a yelp from On-jo's voice and hurried up to see Gwi-nam climbing over the ledge.

"But he fell from the fourth floor, how is he alive?" Su-hyeok breathed out and I ran over to On-jo and pulled her away as Cheong-san and Gwi-nam ran at each other. Su-hyeok ran in to the fight but we knew they couldn't beat Gwi-nam if he was what Dae-su calls a hambie.

I got caught up on all the drama that happened between Cheong-san and Gwi-nam from Su-hyeok.

Me and Nam-ra looked at each other and just understood each others thoughts. When we looked back I saw Su-hyeok trying to punch Gwi-nam.

I ran up and chucked Gwi-nam across the rooftop.

Nam-ra grabbed his hand and began holding on for dear life until she was thrown across to the girls.

Gwi-nam had Su-hyeok over the edge of the building and Nam-ra just grabbed his legs and flipped him over Su-hyeok. I ran to Su-hyeok and pulled him away before he ran to Cheong-san to check on him.

It began to rain and everyone got overly emotional, and began to cry. I grabbed Nam-ra and just hugged her tight and let my own tears fall before I mistaken them for raindrops.

"Don't ever leave me Y/N." Nam-ra choked.

"I won't ever think of jumping again." I chuckled and she laughed.

"We're best friends forever right?" Nam-ra sniffed.

"We're fucking besties." I confirmed and she smiled as she began to tear up.

"Now I'm sad I missed the fire." I joked and we looked up at the sky. My comment made Nam-ra giggle.

"Let's get-" Both of our head perked up aduring her sentence as we heard the squeal of tires over the rain. Nam-ra began to cover her ears at the thunder and I fought through the pain and looked over the edge to where the tire sounds came from.

I saw a familiar van pulling into the schools driveway and I just tried to remember where it was from.

When it came to me, my stomach dropped.

"Guys we have to go." I said and they looked at me very confused.

"Why?" Ji-min asked me.

"Because that van that pulled up is from the mental asylum and something tells me that those guys aren't workers."

"Then what are they?" Dae-su asked.

"Psychos." Nam-ra exhaled.

"AHAHHAHAHHAHA!" We looked over the edge to see guys in orange jumpsuits coming inside the building.

"We have to get to that van and take it away, my dad has a survival shelter in his house. He's obsessed with the apocalypse and thinks it's gonna come everyday." I planned.

"How are we gonna do that? They're already in the building." Wu-jin asked.

"If me and Nam-ra create distractions since we're half zombie, we wont get attacked by them and we can distract them enough for you all to get to the van and we will follow after you." I explained.

"Not you and Nam-ra." Su-hyeok sighed.

"We will be safer than you guys." Nam-ra shrugged.

"Wait you're both part zombie?" Ji-min asked and I nodded.

"Great we have two of them." She rolled her eyes and I just sighed and turned back to the group.

"Nam-ra stay with us so that we will have a protector." On-jo pleaded and I just looked at her and looked down, great so they still don't like me.

"Not that I don't want you Y/N but Nam-ra is class president and can lead us-"

"I take no offense On-jo." I scoffed and grabbed my knife from my shady corner and handed it to Su-hyeok.

"I can fight with my hands, those psychos can't catch up to me." I smiled weakly. We all headed for the door and before I could head down first Nam-ra grabbed my hand.

"Come back, for me and Su-hyeok. Don't let them catch you." She begged and I nodded and ran down the stairs. I got to the front and saw them peeking in classrooms.

"Are you guys lost?" I asked and they saw me and smirked.

"Are you Y/N?"

"Yes, who's asking?"

"Here she is." One said and began to bolt after me a dodged him and ran down the stairs.

(pov set Su-hyeok)

It's been twenty minutes and Y/N hasn't come out of the building yet. We were waiting in a school bus instead of the van because it would hold us all better and Nam-ra said there was more people in the van than we could handle as they were psychos anyways.

Suddenly we looked out the window and saw Y/N come out of the building with two men holding her. She fought against them and while it was just rain we heard her scream 'LET ME GO!'.

I wanted to run out there but On-jo stopped me.

"She can handle them. It's only two." She reasoned and I sighed.

I saw more men come out of the van and one of them twirled something in their fingers. They got Y/N on her knees and began to kick her and push her around.

Maybe they knew she was a warden's daughter where they were from.

Finally the one with the thing in their hand and stabbed it into her neck. They let her go as she fell back in pain before getting up and stumbling around.

"IT'S VANILLA ICE CREAM BITCH, JUST LIKE YOUR DAD GAVE US!" We heard one of them yell over the rain, it was clearly loud if we heard them through the rain and through the walls of the bus.

They looked to converse before they dragged a limp Y/N into the school again.

I tried to run out of the bus with Nam-ra but Cheong-san, Dae-su, and Hyo-ryeong held us back. Ji-min and Wu-jin sat at the back of the bus just hiding.

She would fall over but kept getting up and tried to get away, they kept laughing at her though and pushing her back in the circle.

Finally they began to kick her around while she was down and pushed her down when she managed to get back up.

"We need to help her!" Nam-ra exclaimed.


"Wait look, they lifted her up!" Hyo-ryeong pointed out and I turned back to see a limp Y/N, over a man's shoulder as the carried her back into the school.

"What are they gonna do to her Su-hyeok?" Nam-ra choked.

"I don't know but let's get in there and help her."

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