Chapter Four

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I began to tremble at the memories flooding back.

"I know what they did to you in the shed, then sent the photos around and created rumors. I know you aren't like that." He said and put a hand on mine. I squeezed his hand as I held back tears.

"How'd you know?" I choked quietly.

"I was trying to find my friend when I remembered he was friends with the soccer team, so I went in and heard the six of them talking about what they did to you." He sighed and gripped my hand back. "I know a lot about you Y/N, just from what I heard from those guys."

"You don't know me."

"I know how you begged them not to by trying to humanize yourself." He began, "Your favourite colour is _____,  your dad works at a asylum, your mom passed away at birth, you had a twin sister who lives in Seoul and is trying to become an idol under HYBE."

"Please stop." I whispered so quiet I didn't know if he could hear.

"I know you get the best grades after Nam-ra because she's your study buddy, she always pushes you to be the best you can and you owe everything to her, I know your favourite type of ramen is _____, I know you like your chicken _____ not _____."

"I said stop Su-hyeok. What is your point?" I asked looking up at him with teary eyes.

"I know you Y/N, and all those things I heard, of what they did, made me want to kill them. But those things I heard about you, made me realize how... how... how much I cared for you. Because I listened to every bit of information you told them because I wanted to know you so I could impress you somehow." He confessed.

I looked at him and he just smiled weakly.

"But I'm just the school-"

"You are not a whore Y/N. Far from it. You are an angel. That's what I'm gonna call you now, Angel." He chuckled and I laughed a bit, the tears stopped flowing.

"Please don't, too cheesy, too cheesy." I joked.

"I know you love cheesy movies, and you also watch the occasional horror movie." He spit out like he had known me his whole life.

"What are you? A fucking encyclopedia?" I laughed and he smiled. I looked at him and he took a hand and wiped my last tears away before tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.



"Can I kiss you?" My heart stopped in my chest at those four words I wished to hear come from him for months since I started liking him.

"Are you just to assume I like you back?" I joked and tried to hide my smile.

"I mean, don't you?" He quirked his eyebrow up a bit and I rolled my eyes and looked away.

"Come on." He scoffed and grabbed my chin with his hand and turned me to face him. Our lips colliding. I never knew how badly I wanted this feeling to happen and never end till it started.

I began to reciprocate the kiss and he just smiled slightly. I enjoyed thsi feeling, I never knew I could feel love like this but I did; and when it came from him it was so much more sweet.

Every memory was now hazy as my brain only focused on him, his lips may be slightly chapped but they still tasted like... like... candy, almost, kinda metallic, but I wasn't complaining.

I pulled away first and he tried to chase my lips slightly before I smiled and gave him one last kiss before we pulled away mutually. We just basked in the slight mumbles of our friends and just stared at each other.

"I will protect you." Su-hyeok said. "I will always protect you-"

"And don't forget Nam-ra." I warned and he chuckled but nodded.

"I said we would survive together, us three." He said and I turned to look up at the sky.

"If I ever fully turn-"

"Which you won't."

"Will you do me a favor?" I asked and he nodded, I saw him out of the corner of my eye.

"Will you run from me? I don't think I could get you to kill me but please just run from me." I exhaled.

"If you turn fully..."

I listened closely.

"I will let you bite me."


"I don't want to live in a world where there is no Moon Y/N for me to love." Every word out of his mouth sounded so sweet it dripped with honey.


"Y/N, you will never fully turn, and if you do I am going down with you. You and me always and forever Angel." He said and grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers and looking at my side profile before facing the sky.

"Thank you Su-hyeok."

"For what, Y/N?"

"Just for... everything."

Angel (Su-hyeok X Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now