Chapter Six

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We grabbed our weapons and proceeded quietly into the school, no zombies hearing us and we killed the ones who saw us. We snuck into the school as the thunder rumbled and flowers the blood drips which Nam-ra says she could smell it was Y/N's.

We followed it to the cafeteria where we snuck in behind tables and saw them tying ropes together.

"Do you know what your dad did to us? In that fucking hell?" One said with a knife pointed at her.

"You deserved it, fucker." Y/N spat and he just quickly dragged the tip along Y/N's cheek, blood falling from the now cut.

She sucked it a quick breath and just stayed strong.

"Are you scared, pretty girl?" Another said.

"I already got my worst nightmare, this is a daydream compared to that." She scoffed before taking in an inhale after one of them kicked her stomach.

"You mean that day in the shed with those six soccer guys, that's right, your father told all his friends about that day, the day his daughter became a whore." He said, Y/N just stared at them, trying to break the grasp on her clothes.

"Stop squirming!" The man with the grip on her cardigan switched to her neck and she gasped for air as he picked her up by the neck and threw her across the tables.

"I'm not, fucking scared of you guys."

"Oh really? Why not?"

"Because my dad always told me to not be afraid because all those people he kept in the ward are just psycho bitches with nothing better to do than go insane for the fuck of it. Y'all are just bored motherfuckers with a god complex, psychopathic assholes." Y/N stood up to them and they just gritted their teeth.

"That's it, you're dead!" One ran towards her and she dodged him so he hit the wall and grabbed a fork off the ground to stab another.

But one came from behind and dragged her by her hair to the man typing ropes and they tied one end to Y/N's neck and the other they tossed into the rafters and caught it there, hoisting her up so she couldn't breath.

They were hanging her.

"I forgot to mention Y/N, your father has a message for you." One said as they all grouped before her, watching her swing and gasp for air.

"He wanted to say, oh I can't seem to remember all I remember is his screaming and groans of pain as we gutted him like a fish." They all laughed manically and one of them pulled a key from their jumpsuit and placed it on the table nearer to us.

"If you can get this, you can have it." He teased and they walked out laughing. Nam-ra made sure they were gone when we showed ourselves and tried to help Y/N down.

It may be dark but I could see she was turning blue.

We untied the rope from her neck with On-jo on Cheong-san's shoulders and Y/N fell into my arms, gasping for air.

"Were you crazy?" Ji-min scolded.

"My dad said to never show fear, they all have god complexes so if you show fear they get the sense of more power." Y/N explained and ran to the table and grabbed the key.

She held her head up and listened closely.

"Why are they doing that?" She asked quietly.

"What Y/N?" Dae-su asked.

"They're... leaving."

"Isn't that good?"

"That would be, but why would they leave me here to die, seeing that zombies weren't attacking me?"

"Speaking of zombies we should go." On-jo said and grabbed our hands and began to run out of the cafeteria.

We made it to the bus and noticed the van was still there.

"Shit." I cussed and we got closer but Y/N slipped the key into my hand secretly.


She covered her mouth to talk so no one could read her lips.

"162 Rosetown Avenue, the enter code is 2131."

"Y/N we're gonna make it."

"Somethings not right, I don't feel... right."

"Come on, let's just keep going Y/N." I said and we got on the bus and started it up, getting all the zombies attention. We quickly drove out of there and got to Y/N's address, just to see them waiting there for us.

Y/N took in a shaky inhale and I held her hand as her bones began to crack and she quickly got up and headed to the front. Getting off at almost all of our denies.

She the ran up to one, and jumped on him... biting a chunk out of his neck. They all looked shocked and aimed weapons at her but she ran up to the other three and each time but a chunk out of their arm or neck.

As they bled out on the lawn she began to unlock the house. We got off and ran up to her, the attackers bones cracking.

She got the code and got us inside, locking the door behind us. On-jo was doing a head count when she realized one person was missing.

"Ji-min, where's she?" Hyo-ryeong ran to the closed curtains and peeked out.

"The bus, she's on the bus with the zombies." She exhaled and gasped. I looked out too to see two windows just covered in blood.

"They're normal zombies, they can die." Nam-da said and we all looked to Y/N she spit out the chunk of flesh in her mouth and began to panic.

I ran to her after closing the blinds and kneeled beside her to hug her.

"It's okay." I breathed out and she shook her head.

"I bit them, they turned. I'm a fucking zombie." She sobbed quietly and we all stood around her.

"No you aren't, you're our saviour." Cheong-san said and she just looked up at everyone, lips quivering.

"Downstairs in the basement, it's an old renovated bomb shelter. It has months of food, weapons, and a working bathroom. We'll be safe in there for a while."

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