Chapter Twelve

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They all looked at me in shock.

"We should resolve this like adults, I mean we're 18 for gods sake and in this fucked up world, we can't just turn on each other like this. We have a plan now let's mend things over, I'll start." I said.

"On-jo I'm sorry I used such a tone with you, I know we don't see eye to eye and I let a personal matter and the anger Gwi-nam caused to cloud my judgement. I get I'm the reason we are in this mess right now but also do You really think Gwi-nam wouldn't want back up when there's nine of us and one of him not to mention he knows how strong me and Nam-ra are from the rooftop fight. He would've made noise anyways." I sighed and she nodded.

"I'm sorry too, I should've been reasonable with everything. I just don't want someone else turning whether it be Su-hyeok from you or Cheong-san from Gwi-nam or anyone else from you or Nam-ra. I let my own feelings cloud my judgement too. Let's be friends now, no more butting heads." She smiled weakly and I smiled back.

"No promises." I joked and On-jo smiled a bit wider.

"Su-hyeok and Cheong-san, no fighting either. Me and On-jo can handle our situations by ourselves." I said and On-jo nodded and shoved Cheong-san jokingly.

We began to pack up and listened at the door until I thought it was clear, it wasn't till it hit 2am. I jumped slightly when I felt Su-hyeok touch my shoulder.

"Angel, everyone is asleep and I don't hear the zombies anymore. We can rest a bit so come and sleep." He suggest and I shook my head.

"I still hear about three out there in the basement and ten more in the house, I can't tell how many on the lawn though." I said and he sighed.

"Then I'll stay up with you."


"Call me babe."

"What?" I blushed.

"I call you Angel, you need a nickname for me." He smiled at my flustered state.

"Fine, Babe get some sleep." I sighed and he grabbed my hand and pulled me down the stairs of the bunker before pulling me to the mattress, I gave up and laid down.

The next morning I woke up first and sat at the door till I heard only one downstairs and six in the house upstairs.

"Guys," I whispered and they began to wake up. "There are only seven in the house, let's go." I said and everyone got the rest up and we grabbed our bags and weapons before I slowly and quietly opened the door. I snuck out first as they snuck to the stairs and I snapped the one zombies neck, I heard Hyo-ryeong gasp and the zombie patter of feet.

"Hurry." I said and jumped up the steps in front of them and began hitting the zombies with my bat. We got out of the house and began running, zombies seeing us but we kept running.

"Which way is Clover Lane?" Hyo-ryeong asked and I gasped as we came to a fork in the road. I took a gut feeling and began running left.

"This way!" I called and we ran for about ten minutes before we got into the 200s and these houses were huge. Like I'm talking a family of like 20 could live in there without sharing rooms. We reached 208 and I rang the buzzer to the gate repeatedly.

"It's Y/N and Nam-ra, we need your guys' help. Our friends are here too and we need safety. Kihyun? Taehyun? Seokjin? Peniel?" I yelled and the gate flew opened so slightly that we could slip in and we all flooded in just as the the zombies turned the corner to get us. We got to the door and it opened and we say Kihyun smiling.

"Get inside." He said and we did. We all fell on the floor, gasping and panting for air. Kihyun and others helped us up when a very tall man walked up to us.

"Welcome, I am Wooyoung, the leader in this house. We have four rooms left open. Let's get you showered first." He smiled and we thanked him as he left us downstairs which revealed like this maze of hallways.

A guy came up to us and stopped us in our tracks. "Where are you guys from? You're in uniform."

"It started when we were at school, we go to Hyosan High School." I said and they everyone came out and stared at us.

"Get them out." A man said and began to yell at us as others hide from us.

"IT'S YOUR FAULT!" He yelled again.

"Hey mister! Lower your tone." I said.


"We did not create or spread. How is this our fault?" On-jo stated.

"So the barbie has something to say huh?" He asked and I stepped in front of On-jo.

"Best take a few steps back." I said and he jumped back as I took a singular step towards him.

"Y/N." Kihyun called and I sighed before looking back at him and Wooyoung, ignore the rude mister yelling at us and saying it was our fault.

"Will you kick us out?" Dae-su asked and Wooyoung chuckled and shook his head.

"No, it's not your fault as you did not spread, create, or carry this virus. You're all safe." He said and I peeked out of the corner of my eye at Nam-ra. We stayed silent as he showed us to our rooms.

"There is one room for three, three rooms for two, and one room with one bed so I suggest a couple sleep in their." Wooyoung said.

"Lets do the same pairings as we slept, but Dae-su can join Wu-jin and Joon-yeong. Me and Y/N can take the singular bed room." Su-hyeok said and no one objected.

We were given a small hotel bottle of shampoo and conditioner with a thin quarter of a bar of soap. Then they gave us some bigger clothes, he explained he was a foster dad to teens and they would leave their clothes behind all the time.

We got rinsed off and brushed our hair and teeth before putting on new clothes and getting a tour.

I got some grey sweat-shorts and a white T-shirt with a white zip-up sweater and some white fuzzy socks, they were so warm.

So this house was born on an end of an old military base since Clover Lane houses didn't have basements or backyards yet were huge. But Wooyoung made a basement, found this, and renovated it as he was also obsessed with the apocalypse but also the war and loved this as 'memorabilia' as he called it.

I was with the girls in one of the rooms and the guys explored. We didn't eat until supper and by then it was just me and Nam-ra walking around by ourselves.

Angel (Su-hyeok X Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now