Chapter Eleven

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(1,2,3,4,5,6,7, you make me feel like eleven)

I turned around and saw On-jo behind me, the rest of them joining the crowd as Nam-ra closed the curtains.

"We were tired and these guys helped get us back here. And then you probably heard they offered us a place to stay if we're ever in trouble." I explained and they just stared.

"We got us everything we could hold in those bags, they should last us till we make another plan to get to a safe camp." I said and started to bring the bags downstairs. We started unpacking food and everyone was in awe of how much we brought back. We ate breakfast and I went up to bring the dishes to the kitchen.

I heard footsteps going up the stairs and stared to the entrance just to see Su-hyeok. I smiled at him and dried the last dish before turning to him.

"What's up?" I asked and he just leaned against the doorway.

"Were those guys you met nice? Half-zombies too? What were they?"

"They were nice, well Seokjin was a bit weird but Kihyun and Taehyun knocked him back into place and I didn't get to talk to Peniel but they're all not half-zombies, the zombies wanted them." I explained and he nodded.

"Why?" I asked and he just shrugged.

"Just making sure you were okay."

I smiled and walked up to him, "I will always be okay, it's you and me and Nam-ra that will stick together throughout this. I will always return."

"I just want to make sure you're being safe, Angel." He smiled back and leaned down to press a quick kiss to my lips. He held my waist and I held on to the sides of his neck loosely. When the front door slammed open, I jumped and bit his bottom lip accidentally, not enough to draw blood though thank god. We turned and saw Gwi-nam standing in the front door, staring at us with an evil smirk. I saw how bad his eye was up close and just stared in shock.

"Now what is going on here?" He smirked and Su-hyeok grabbed my hand and stepped infront of me.

"Y/N what was that?" I heard the footsteps coming up the stairs. Idiots.

As soon as Gwi-nam saw everyone he just smirked and looked back to us. He quirked his eyebrow and looked to the guys I felt my bat against the fridge beside me and slipped it into my grasp behind me, unnoticed by Gwi-nam.

"Y/N bit Su-hyeok."

"Y/N!" On-jo exclaimed.

"It's was an accident!" I said and stepped back as she looked at me angrily.

"It didn't draw blood-"

"How do you know? Let us see." Dae-su suggested and everyone nodded.

"It's... it's-"

"Oh so they don't know you were basically eating each others faces up here? Oh how rich." I blushed madly and Su-hyeok clenched my hand.

"It was just a kiss-"

"What?" Cheong-san gasped and I just looked back to Gwi-nam.

"She accidentally bit my bottom lip when Gwi-nam came in." Su-hyeok explained and Gwi-nam took another step into the house. I gripped my bat and he saw my arm strain.

"What you got there Y/N?" He asked. I clenched my teeth and went in front of Su-hyeok.

"It's a Brooklyn Basher. Want to see how big of a dent in your skull it will cause?" I asked and gripped it with both hands.

"Put the bat down babe."

"Don't call me that and get out before the zombies come." I said and he just chuckled and stepped out, grabbed a rock from the pathway and threw it through the big window in the living room. Zombies attention was grabbed and they ran towards us.

"Go down to the basement and pack up. GWI-NAM YOU'RE DEAD!" I said and ran after him, tricking hip thinking I was gonna hit the side of his face when I really switched and slammed my bat down his back.

A sickening crack of bone was heard.

"You bitch!" He gasped and I raised my bat to hit again when I realized the zombies were here. I swung at some before grabbing Gwi-nam by his broken back and threw him as far as I could. With a broke back and neck I would assume he would stay unconscious a bit longer. I ran inside and locked the door behind me before dealing with the zombies inside with Cheong-san and Su-hyeok.

"AHH!" We heard a scream and went downstairs  to a zombie trying to get Hyo-ryeong but Dae-su holding him back.

"Gimme him." I said and grabbed the zombies neck and twisted it until his neck snapped.

They all stared at me in shock as Nam-ra came downstairs and Su-hyeok locked the door to the basment.

"Theres so many out there." Nam-ra exhaled, panting for air.

"Why'd you tell Gwi-nam to leave? You should've known Y/N!" On-jo said.

"I haven't run into Gwi-nam other than that day on the rooftop, I know nothing about him!" I spoke back.

"Hey don't use that tone with On-jo." Cheong-san spat.

"Cheong-san, don't use that tone with Y/N either." Su-hyeok stepped forward.

"Don't tell me what to do."

"Don't be a moron, Cheong-san."

"Say that again Su-hyeok."

"Oh yeah-"

"okay everyone shut up!" Nam-ra hushed and we looked at her.

"Lets pack up all the food and water we can and me and Y/N will try and clear out as many as we can before you guys come up, be prepared with weapons to fight." Nam-ra said.

"Can we sit down first?" Dae-su whined and Joon-yeong hit his head from behind and Dae-su took the note and looked down.

"They are still aggressive, they might leave us alone if they don't hear us for a while." I whispered and everyone nodded and Nam-ra advised me and Su-hyeok go in one corner and On-jo and Cheong-san go in the other.


Angel (Su-hyeok X Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now