Engagement Extra

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The drive back to Hyosan was quite long but we filled it with music and laughs, some tears were shed to at the memories of our lost friends and the realization we won't see our friends again for a bit. Well a week but it felt so long since we just saw them for the first time in two years.

We parked and got past the gates and the caution tape before heading around and visiting our old houses and saving the school for last. We visited my old place and I'll admit that I got emotional. Y/N went to her place and we found the school bus again to which was grabbed a knife from the kitchen and carved our names into it.

Su-hyeok and Y/N forever
est. 2022

I also grabbed the knife and carved in a few more names.

RIP I-sak, Gyeong-su, Ji-min, Joon-yeong

She grabbed the knife from me and carved in one more name:

+ Na-yeon and Ms. Park

I looked at her confused and she shrugged and noticed me looking without looking at me. 

"Ms. Park was a good person, she deserves to be remembered. And Na-yeon, despite her bitchiness, I could never forget her and think she deserves one last memory before I choose to forget her." She explained. Y/N smiled and took a picture of it before a small tear went down her cheek. I lifted her chin up with my fingers and wiped her tear with my other thumb. She smiled and chuckled.

"I don't understand why I'm emotional, it's been two years Su-hyeok." She sighed and looked at our scratched names onto the faded yellow school bus.

"Old wounds can still hurt Y/N, they can even bleed when you open them back up. Being here in Hyosan, we are revisiting trauma and opening the memories again. It's gonna be difficult being here just ourselves." I explained and she hugged me, her arms wrapping around my waist and I wrapped mine around her shoulders and kissed her head.

"Lets go to the school, I don't know how much more of this I can endure. As you said, being back here is opening up a lot of old wounds." She said and I took her hand and we began our slow walk to the school. We talked about the memories before the apocalypse, letting each other continue to learn stuff we still didn't know about the other and stuff the others did that they wouldn't want us to tell each other.

We got to the school and visited our old classrooms and even the cafeteria and all. We even scared each other a few times, jokingly of course. We walked up to the top of the school and entered the roof. I watched as she stared up at the snowing sky, all warm in her winter trench coat and fluffy boots. I looked at the stars we could see on the off chance there was an opening in the clouds. 

"It's so beautiful here, only when you look up though. You can't see the despair that reminisces here on the soil and snow we walk." She smiled weakly.

"Since when did you become a poet?" I joked and she chuckled and looked down, leaning her forearms on the ledge and looking down.

"Since I learned what it's like to have something to remember." She sighed. "This is all I remember of this school, besides meeting you and Nam-ra, this outbreak is all I fucking remember and I don't think that's a good thing." 

"I can give you something else to remember, maybe something happier that might mask these painful memories we hold deep in our minds that we've tried to push down for two years." I said and took in a silent deep breath before going down on one knee and grabbing the ring from the pocket it was held in. I opened the box as she turned to me.

"What the hell are you talking about Su-hyeo....k. What are you doing?" She asked with a slight nervous chuckle.

"Giving you something happy to remember. I've know you for what feels like forever, I've grown with you and made so many memories regardless if it was bad or good. But every memory I have with you I can't help but smile, cause every moment with you is a better memory just by having you exist in it. I couldn't imagine my life without you and just know I need you to be mine forever. So I ask this with a nervous laugh," I chuckled, obviously nervously. "but will you do me the honor and marry me Y/N?" 

"You don't have to be nervous. My answer will always be yes until the end of our days and until all of us are dead." She smiled with happy tears and I stood up, slipping the ring on her left ring finger. I held the sides of her neck as she held my cheeks and we shared a sweet and loving kiss. 

I looked at her as we pulled away and we shared the same words at the same time:

"Until all of us are dead."

Angel (Su-hyeok X Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now