Chapter Nine

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"What?!" I bolted up and looked at my hands, my vision still hasn't changed.

"It's okay Y/N." Nam-ra tried to calm me down so she took me to the kitchen and made me drink some water and eat some crackers.

After about five minutes, she smiled and looked at me.

"I can hear your heart again." She exhaled happily.

"My vision is better now too." I said and she nodded. I held my head in my hands and slide my back down the cabinets till I was sat on the kitchen floor and exhaled shakily as tears threatened to jump from my tear ducts.

"I almost bit Su-hyeok." I whined and threw my head back a few times to hit the cabinet. Then I began slamming my back, I winced and bit my lip to suppress my yelps of agony.

Nam-ra quickly came to my side and went on her knees and held her hands behind my head and back so I could no longer hurt myself.

"Hurting yourself won't make that feeling go away, I know that feeling Y/N." She sighed and I whimpered as my lips quivered in sadness and fear and a little bit of anger.

"The good part is you resisted." She said and took her hands out from behind me and tucked my hair behind my ears as a tear slipped down my cheek.

"I don't want to hurt you guys." I choked out quietly.

"You won't Y/N, you're strong and can resist. If you ever get that feeling again just resist until you can't then bite your hand or your clothes, we stink of blood so maybe that will be enough for your zombie instincts." She said and I nodded.

I heard a creak of the floor boards and saw Su-hyeok standing at the entry to the kitchen.

"Can I talk to her Nam-ra?" He asked and she nodded before leaving me alone with him. He walked forward and I hugged my knees to my chest.


"How much did you hear?" I asked before he could end his trail and ask me a question himself.

"Basically all of it, like from where you told her how you almost bit me." He said and sat beside me.

"I'm sorry Su-hyeok." I apologized.

"Angel I'm not mad, I'm not scared either. But if that ever happens again..."

"... just bite me."

I shot my head to him and looked at him in shock.


"Y/N I'm okay with that, as long as I'm with you till the end." He said and grabbed my hand, locking our fingers together and I smiled weakly.

"Y/N, I know this is an obvious question... but will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He smiled and I chuckled and hid my face in my hands.

"I'm gonna take that as a yes." He laughed and hugged my side. I let my legs go over his and tightened my grip around his torso as he had one hand around my back to keep me close and the other hand held the side of my thigh, slowly stroking it with his thumb.

"I think I'm in love with you." I said and he sucked in a breath before chuckling it out.

"Y/N... Angel... I know I'm in love with you." He said and I smiled as he kissed the top of my head and I cuddled into him.

"You need sleep, I will wake you up when the sun comes up." He said and I just nodded before closing my heavy eyes and falling asleep

I woke up to laughter in the kitchen and saw everyone was in here just talking. I was still cuddled to Su-hyeok and Nam-da was sat beside me.

"Sleeping beauty is awake." Hyo-ryeong smiled at me.

"What time in it?" I yawned.

"8am." Cheong-san said and I nodded.

"We made some canned ravioli since we are running out of breakfast-y stuff and save you some." Dae-su said and I thanked them as Nam-ra handed me the plate. We were all talking in the kitchen and actually getting along. It made me realize that I actually kinda have friends now, maybe we were on the fence but at least we got along.

"I like this feeling." Nam-ra whispered to me and I looked at her. I took my arms away from SU-hyeok and hugged her side.

"I do too." I smiled back and she rested her head on my shoulder.

"What's got you smiling Y/N and Nam-ra?" On-jo asked.

"We just... feel like we have friends now." Nam-ra smiled.

"We've only ever been friends with each other and now we have others to hang out with, even though it's the zombie apocalypse." I exhaled and everyone smiled.

"We are gonna be friends till the very end, even if we are apart." Cheong-san smiled and we just basked in a comfortable silence, taking in the feeling of peace and warmth from each others close bodies and friendships bloomed.

When we went to sleep that night we all had a group circle where we just talked about how we were feeling, we were joking around but also talked about some serious stuff like what we could do to escape. Me and Nam-ra just looked at each other and weakly smiled, we secretly knew there would be test they would do when we got to a safe camp and that would reveal our half zombie and half human abilities and nature.

I held her hand and we just shared the mutual agreement that we would do anything for our now friends even if that meant we didn't go with them.

Angel (Su-hyeok X Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now