1 - Beginnings

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"Appa the light isn't green yet. Why are we already driving?" you ask sitting at the back seat as your dad drives the car furiously, one turn after the other without speaking a single word.

The night's blue breeze had a scent of concrete, salt and smoke. The street lights were slowly disappearing from your sight, moving into a dark alley in front of you.

The pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky and the occasional barking of dogs could be heard at a distance.

"Y/N put on your seat belt. We are going faster now" your dad says in a hoarse, strained voice, making you feel uneasy.

You look over at his inked arms covered with blood and wonder how on earth was he still not crying.

"Are the uncles still following us? Could you check?" He asks, drawing your attention to the present scene

You get up on your knees and take a peek from the back window but then a huge bang comes, shattering the car's side mirror into tiny pieces.

"W-What is happening?" You ask as fear takes over you finally, your 6 year old brain not being able to understand anything.

"Hide under your seat. Appa will keep you safe and after this night, there won't be any running away or transferring of schools or any sort of such thing which will affect your growth. Just remember this much y/n, stand up for what you think is right and for justice. No matter what, even if it takes your life away. Stay strong. There is no place in this world for the weaklings"

His voice was warm and soothing now, nothing like the one previously.

You nod your head, trying to process what he just said but pretty much failing to fit all of that in your peanut sized brain.

There were loud car horns and noises of people shouting things like "Stop or we shoot" and honestly, even though you couldn't get what they meant by that, you found those yells very disturbing.

In order to divert your mind, you start observing the surroundings around you. Some buildings were scattered around the land like a child who had scattered some coloured blocks in his playroom and a river flowed underneath from where your dad was driving.

"Now it's going to be a bumpy ride so hold on tight to me" your dad says, snapping you back into reality but before you have the oppurtunity to say anything, the car goes flying all the way down to the cliff located at the end of the dark passage, leading to an almost dry river.

You start floating in air and bump your head on the car's ceiling, whimpering at the sudden pain.

Your dad pulls you by your arm and engulfs you in a secure hug, his arms and legs locked all around your fragile body which take hits continuously as the car keeps rolling.

You wrap your hands around his tattooed neck, shutting your eyes close as tight as possible.

"It's okay" he pats your head, comforting you.

Then finally with a large thud and your dad's body almost no longer reacting to the pain, everything stops.

You touch your leg with your palm and even though it hurt a lot, the pain gets filled with icy numbness once you notice your dad's state.

"Appa?" you fix your gaze from his neck to his eyes.

"Do you want to run or not?" He asks, his lips trembling with each word he blurts out.

You shake your head in a no sign. Warm tears start rolling down your cheeks all the way to your chin, worried about the pain your dad must be going through. He had cuts and bruises everywhere on his skin.

"Crying doesn't suit you" he chuckles, pulling a small piece of paper from his back pocket out before he hands it to you.

"What is this?" You question although being barely able to speak.

"On your 18th birthday" he replies and caresses your cheek with blood covered hands before pulling you in for a last hug.

His warmth made you feel better even in such a frightening situation. However, the way he was breathing was very concerning. It came in ragged, shallow gasps.

You glance over at his neck tattoo once again, a rose and a snake, the only tattoo you liked from all the ones on his body.

"Fight instead of running. I was a coward but I think I have done my role as a father now. Goodluck for your future and remember, gangsters dont cry" he mumbles and starts coughing blood.

Panicking at the sight of the red liquid, you try fixing your composure but then your dad hisses in pain, making you back off from his body a little.

He takes another deep breath and stops. That's the moment you break out into cold sweat as well. His body stops moving, so does his heartbeat.

"Appa?" You shake him a little and unfold the piece of paper which had been lying in your clenched fist. It was the design of a tattoo, the exact one on his neck.

His last words echoe in the calm, silent night. You could hear crickets chirping and the wind rustling the grass, creating a soft melody as if singing you a song but it doesn't last for long.

The song gets interrupted by some large footsteps of armed men coming towards your direction.

"Someone has come to save us" you whisper in your dad's ear, relieved that he might be able to survive.

You wave your hand happily towards the men who manage to notice you somehow.

The oldest one with some strands of white hair sparkling under the torchlight kneels down on the damp grass and stares at you for a few seconds before parting his lips to speak.

You steadily slide the paper into your pant's pocket without anyone seeing it as your brows knit at the unknown guy.

"Hello little one" he mutters, his voice sounded familiar but then it also sounded like something you had never heard before. It was deep and raspy, kind of scary as well.

"C-Could you help my appa?" you stutter, clasping onto your dad's shirt which was now scarlet red because of all the blood he was losing.

"Yes, we will take care of him. Now let's get you out of here" he mumbles and proceeds to open the car's front door, taking you in his embrace.

"You are no longer Choi y/n. It's kang from now on"

And that's how you became
the biggest Korean Mafia, Kang Jinwoo's daughter.


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