26 - Monthly Cycle

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After saying that, he stands up and spins around without another word but jimin acts just as fast and gets up quickly, grabbing him by his arm.

Jungkook surprisingly stops.

"Kookie ah don't be so jealous" jimin mumbles, suppressing a laughter.

The raven haired sighs and rubs his temple before speaking,

"Why will I be jealous?"

"Maybe because...I'm talking to your y/n?"

As jimin's sentence slowly settles in my head, I shoot him a glare after grasping the word 'your' specifically.

"Have a death wish?" I question, smiling ironically.

"I was just kidding, why are you guys so serious all the time. Come and sit down jungkook, I'll let you have a slice of bread" he giggles and pulls jungkook on another wing chair right next to mine.

My eyes lock with his while I watch him sit down for a split second but then almost at the exact same time, both of us glance away.

That was awkward.

"Y/N, would you like to have some strawberry jam with your toast?" Jimin asks, breaking the tight atmosphere.

"Yeah, sure" I answer.

"What about you non-jealous guy?"

"No thanks, I'll take a plain bread"

With that short talk, our conversation goes bare and a thick sheet of silence covers us once again.

I hate this pure crystalline nothingness.

Resting my chin on the back of my palm, my mind starts drifting to another world in its own leisure pace.

What if my dad has given up on me? What if he is no longer searching? That would mean me having to fight against seven assasins all by myself...no actually it's 6 since one has some uh...sort of injury?

Hold up...they don't work together right? Yay that means it's only the gang leader and his bestie.

I can only outsmart them by mental strength though because a cough from kim taehyung would be enough to make me freeze on my spot. Having said that, do I not lack in mental strength too if I'm being truthful to myself?

Only a miracle can help me now.

But even if I get home with a magical miracle, how will I explain to my dad the tattoo I got? I didn't know it was a gang tattoo at all and he is most likely going to forever lock me inside that mansion after everything that happened.

What the fuck am I supposed to do now?

"Y/N, I SAID TAKE YOUR FOOD" jimin shouts, bringing me back into reality.

Realising that he had been holding a plate in front of my face for quite a long time, I finally take it from his hand and regain my composure. Then, proceed to flash a smile before replying a "Thank you"

"What were you thinking about? You zoned out for a good 30 seconds and I had to shout four times okay? Four" he says, handing a plain slice of bread to jungkook.

"Just some things" I answer and take a bite out of my jam sandwich.

My eyes widen at how good it tasted.

Jimin got some nice jams I see...

Or maybe it's because I am starving.

"I hope you weren't thinking about escaping" jungkook casually says, picking a strawberry from the big bowl of fruit salad which lay in front of us.

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