7 - Dream Or Reality?

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Waking up with a throbbing pain around your skull, you feel as if your head could crack open anytime now. You try to open your eyes slowly but flinch at the unbearable headache in an instant.

"Where am I?" You mumble, your throat no less drier than a desert as a biting cold chills your fingers into icy numbness, waking you up from your sleepy state.

"Bus stand" a faint voice from faraway replies, almost not audible for you to hear.

Wait what?

What's the time?

Your hands travel to your skirt's pocket with your eyes still shut close where you'd usually expect your phone to be kept but when you don't find it there, a shiver runs down your spine. You scramble through the fabric in panic only to find it empty.

No it can't be.

Bolting up from your resting position, you rub your eyes aggressively in an attempt to wipe your sleep as well as your hair strands away. However, when your blurry vision finally gets cleared out, you wish it hadn't. Your eyes widen in fear, glancing around an unfamiliar place as your senses slowly set in.

You were sitting down on a broken wooden bench and there was no one around except the street lamps which were stubbornly shining into the dark pathway.

A road lay before you like a tarmac ribbon; albeit, one that has been worn over time. A white line ran down the center, relatively unbroken compared to the scarred and potholed concrete. Apart from that, there were only trees everywhere. The wind carried a sweet smelling rain washed darkness and a hint of tobacco, tobacco?

What time is it? How did I fall asleep? What is this place? I have zero clue about what is going on but whatever it is, it just doesn't feel right.

Your ears become sharper and your mind paranoid, every snap of a twig makes your heart skip a beat. Even the stars and moon cower behind a dense layer of cloud, adding to your confusion about where you were and why.

Slowly placing your feet on the concrete floor, you turn around in all the directions to see if you could find a house or a small town but it was just darkness extending to infinity.

Who was the person to say "bus stand" when I woke up then? This...doesn't look like one.


I was with jungkook. Where is he now?

"Jungkook?" You call out his name softly, afraid that a predator may pop out of the woods any second but also having a small spark of hope that the raven haired guy might come running towards you with his energizing smile.

The last thing you were able to remember was passing out when you saw a gun in jungkook's hand but after that, you couldn't remember anything.

Maybe he will come to pick me up after some time? Maybe...he is playing a prank? It's not funny anymore though.

"Jungkook if this is a prank then stop! It's scaring me" Your voice echoes through the silent woods but there is no reply.

You break down in cold sweat and your body starts shaking with fear.

"Help! Can someone hear me? I need help" you take a few steps forward, keeping your hands on your hips in frustration but all you hear is the rustling of leaves.

Pushing your hair back for a clearer view, your eyes linger around in the pitch darkness, wanting to see a saviour whom you could reward with once he would save you- hold up what is that.

You notice a shadow moving under the lampshade from the corner of your eye. Immediately turning your head towards it and feeling relieved that someone was here and you were not alone, a small smile creeps up your face unknowingly.

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