51 - Salvation

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I twist myself back to see that the street was stretched till far away, if I manage to run right now...I think I'll be safe.

I will have a nice leg massage once I get home, I can literally not feel the bottom half of my body.

My hands begin to tremble in the possibilities of what if I failed though? What if I tripped while running? What if the street came to and end? What if these guys had weapons with them? What if-

"Is the little girl afraid of us?" The man on the left chuckles, his pink tinted eyes glinting like copper in the dim light.

I was furious, exhausted and done.

Without saying anything, I rise from my place, tear the shredded half of my pants to wrap it around the wound on my bare arm and start running for the thousandth time.

All the surroundings fade from my vision as I streak past objects, strings which held freshly cleaned laundry, trash cans, stray cats, you name them.

The footpaths were way broader and longer than I'd expect them to be. They were intersected with each other, houses on each side.

"Help? Can anyone hear me?" I shout, banging on random doors of random people but no one would come out.

How can people be so heartless? Gosh.

"A small girl like you in such a dark night...tch, why would you be here at this hour?" The same guy who had approached me some time ago says, his gait nearing my figure.

Not knowing what to do anymore, I look around myself to see if there was anything I could hit him with but the only thing I get is a plastic bag full of dirty waste.

So I pick it up and throw it right on his head, watching as he winces from the impact.

The bones of chicken and used up pads seep out of the bag, pouring all over the sidewalk.

Taking advantage of such a golden opportunity to improve my pace, I snatch a look behind to see if I was getting followed and oh yes I was, that stubborn man was stumbling in my way even though alcohol was taking its toll on him.

I face front again but then a blank brick wall comes to my view and terror washes over me, lungs burning from the lack of oxygen.

I look on my left side to see an abandoned house and on my right lay a big garbage can.


Sucking in a sharp breath once a pair of fine Italian leather shoes draw closer and closer to me, a whistle playing on in the thin air, I scoot next to the garbage can.

It was smelling awful yet I don't have any other choice rather than hiding behind it, do I?

I cower in the darkness, heart hammering in my ears and squeeze my eyes shut while my hands make their way to my mouth in order to prevent any sounds coming from it.

"Little girllll" the same voice slurs.

However, this time it sounded like it came from a distance.

Is he leaving? Where are his friends? Did they perhaps call him to leave?

My shoulder hits a wall as I peek from the big mount of litter.

Please tell me he's gone, can god be on my side for atleast once?

Belly cramping and head sick with fear, I feel like I might throw up if I don't do anything.

I was tired, tired of dread gnawing onto me all day.

I fully regret coming out of the chamber to be honest, at least no one would take my sanity if I would stay fixated there.

Mind swirling from the images of negative chances, I get paralysed with numbness when a big arm pulls me back from my waist, one hand on my mouth and one on my waist.

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