59 - Snakes And Lies

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"kook stop" you giggle, squirming around to see if there was any way through which you could escape jungkook's hold but he was holding your wrists too tightly to even let them move.

"Baby last one I swear" he chuckles and lowers himself to kiss you again.

"Nope" you turn your head away, "this is the eighth time you've said that"

"Eighth time is the charm, trust me" he lets out an airy breath before pinning both your hands up above your head.

You honestly had no idea how you ended up being underneath him when he was trying to make you laugh through tickles a few seconds ago but yeah let's say it just happened.

Jungkook's damp hair touches your forehead once he places his lips on yours, they were sweet, soft and needless to say, extremely irresistible.

"Done?" You question, your big bambi eyes making his heart flip for the hundredth time tonight.

"No" he smirks and without wasting even a second more, begins to trail kisses all over your neck.

"Hey that's cheating, you said this is the last time" you titter like a whole kid which only encourages the raven haired to kiss you more and more.

He could go on like this for hours, taking time to appreciate every single inch of your body but he also wanted to keep some portions for later, when you both were in his bed and not in a tiny wrinkled couch.

With one final peck on your collarbone, jungkook puckers his lips up and looks at your flustered face, your cheeks pinker than they could have ever been.

"Let my hands go now? Please?" You pout and he finally does as requested.

Quickly cupping his face with your palms, you try your best to stifle a grin at how cute he looked right now.

"What are you smiling at?" He asks, he himself doing his best to not smile.

"Nothing" you answer and gently move your hands further up to wrap them around his neck.

"You're cute when you get shy" jungkook chortles which leads to you hiding your face in the crook of his shoulder.

"You're cute without even doing anything" you accidentally say out loud, making his eyes widen in surprise.

"Took you long enough to say that" he laughs and picks you up from your lying down position just so he could make you sit on his lap again.

There's a brief minute of silence as you curl yourself up into a ball with arms still wrapped around the guy you oh so cherished now while he was busy observing every tiny movement you made.

He really meant it when he said he could stare at you for ever without getting tired of it.

"Do you feel better now?" He asks.

"I miss my dad...my real dad"

A long breath of exasperation escapes jungkook's mouth, only if he could tell you how badly he missed him too and how hard things had been ever since he left.

"I'm sure he misses you more" he whispers, steadily running his hand up and down your back to provide some comfort.



"Wasn't it difficult?"

"What was?"

"Becoming the leader of bangtan when you could barely figure out the world yourself"

Jungkook pauses for a few seconds, trying to think of an appropriate answer which would not trigger you and the delicate state you were in right now.

"Not really, your dad had already figured out everything in advance so there wasn't much I had to do" he responds before wrapping the blanket around your half naked figure, "and besides that, I always had my mission clear so I knew what I wanted to accomplish"

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