69 - Deja Vu

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A few days had passed ever since bangtan last visited now. You cherished each second spent with jungkook, the more you got to know him, the harder you fell for him.

He used to be all over you 24/7, purple bruises decorating your neck along with the nail scratches he had on his back.

In this short span of time, you had realised that you could no longer live without him. You couldn't even imagine a life without him, without his comforting words, without his hugs and kisses and you had no courage to think about how you lived before he walked in either.

An empty void which was left inside your heart by the past had been filled by jeon jungkook. He was your purpose in life and so were you in his.

He had been quite busy lately, managing the backup agents with his hyungs and checking through all the footages that jimin sent. You would fall asleep on his lap numerous times while he worked on the computer and giving him shoulder massages had become a part of your daily routine.

But he still managed to bring you into his schedule somehow, make out sessions in the bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, living room, you name it. He would take you outside in the garden during the day to have deep talks, more like flirty deep talks and name stars after the two of you at night.

He made you feel loved, a generous type of love that didn't ask for anything in return. It was pure and you would not trade it for the world.

"What are you doing baby?" Jungkook walks behind you, engulfing you in a back hug as he rests his chin on your shoulder.

You had finally mastered the art of making omelettes, all thanks to him so you were now trying to learn how to make a proper full meal.

"I used to watch my maids cook sometimes, so I thought why not give it a try myself" you smile in his caress.

"You've been doing that for three days straight now" he giggles, "I made a plan for us tonight"

"Are we going to watch the dvd 04?" You look up at him in excitement as he shrugs uninterestingly.

Jungkook had been procrastinating to watch the dvd for the longest time you could remember. It was always 'maybe later' or 'tomorrow' but you didn't mind it that much.

As long as you got to spend time with him, it was enough.

"Let's go star gazing, we won't get to spend this quality time from tomorrow" he says, taking a hold of your wrist.

"Will bangtan come over tomorrow?" You question, earning a nod from him.

"The border duties get over soon. Tae hyung is still in our radar along with hyerin and if my calculations are correct then we need to flee within a day. There might be an attack otherwise"

"Attack from whom?" You furrow your brows and follow him towards the terrace.

"Boss kang" he replies, "we caught agent A by the way, but he refuses to tell us who let him out. Might have to put him in the white room to get an answer"

"Can't you just go through the security cameras?"

"The ones in the hallway were broken by someone. Don't know who but it's a person we know very well. It was a hidden camera afterall"

"What about namjoon? Weren't you suspicious of him too?" You question, putting your hair up in a loose bun.

"He's out of state to attend a gala, I don't think he will be a threat to us for atleast a week or so"

"A gala?"

"Yeah, we have it once every year where all the rich businessmen, politicians and mafias gather together. It's a night to celebrate all their thefts"

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