73 - Kidnapped

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Present Day

"There's vacancy for only one room" jungkook says as he leans against the counter after having a chit chat with the guy behind it.

Halcyon motel itself seemed pretty sketchy to you actually but since they ensured a clean room and fresh bedding even during this weird hour, you got compelled to settle for it nonetheless.

"I already saw that one coming" You huff dramatically and watch a smirk climb up the raven haired's face, a very gentle, minuscule, oh so  sεメy smirk.

 You wondered what kind of idea was hatching inside that iq 159 brain of his.

"Just take it to jihun hyung's tattoo shop daehyun and if things go well, I'll get you that pc you were talking about" jungkook says as he tosses the car keys to the receptionist.

"Really? Oh my god hyung do let me know if there's anything else you want" the chestnut haired boy grins, his bambi eyes sparkling after hearing the term 'pc'

Oh it's the tattoo shop guy.

"Daehyun?" You mumble, jutting your bottom lip out without your notice.

It had been a while since you last saw him but you couldn't completely forget him either, he and jihun were one of the people who played a major role in your 'kidnapping' afterall.

"Do you remember me, y/n?" The younger guy's voice carries a tone of excitement as he winks at you, his dark circles prominent under the blue led lights.

Does this kid even sleep? He was also dozing off in the reception of that tattoo shop.

Seems like he always works his ass off unlike me.

"Of course I do" you smile, feeling your heart swell at the nostalgic feeling and your response causes him to blush almost immediately but before he could say anything further, jungkook slaps him across his neck.

"You're seventeen, don't call her by her name" he mumbles, brows coming together while daehyun puts the keys in his bomber jacket's pocket and shyly folds his hands together.

"Sorry hyung" he whispers and rubs the reddish spot on his neck, watching the older guy fill some details into a form.

You draw your arms behind your back, awkwardly shifting eyes between the two men, were you supposed to defend daehyun or...?

You clear your throat and shrug, you have other things to worry about instead of who calls you by your name and who doesn't.

"Make sure you don't get any dents on yoongi hyung's car, he might whoop your ass if you do" Jungkook's words rip you out of your thoughts as he takes a lock card key from the wooden holder while the other guy nods before giving you a polite bow.

You bow back at him and simply follow jungkook who walks ahead towards a dimly lit corridor with doors on either sides till the end.

After taking a few steps in complete silence, you fasten your pace to keep up with his long legs while your eyes pry around curiously at the vintage setting of the place before you question, "does this motel belong to him?"

The area was small yet well maintained and tidy, perfect to your liking.

"I mean jihun hyung isn't dead yet so as long as he's alive, let's say the motel belongs to him" he chortles and swings the bag consisting bullets and a few guns up and down his side.

You quietly hum at his response, mind still wandering around the obscure scene that happened a couple of minutes ago.

As far as you knew mister kang, you were positive he wasn't going to give up this easily. Your peace could only last a few hours more and you sag your shoulders at that thought.

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