46 - Obsession

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As I fold and unfold the paper clasped between my hands, I hear footsteps coming in the direction of the chamber again to which I stand upright at once, scared that it might be taehyung.


"Keep your voice low" a feminie voice mumbles from the other side of the gate instead.

Hyerin? Is she here to help me?

Immediately moving towards the exit to see her trying to open the lock, my eyes dart around in search of jungkook but he's nowhere to be found.

"What are you doing here? Where is everyone else?" I whisper and get on my tip toes to have a clearer view.

However, when I see her flushed face and messy bangs, I break out in cold sweat.

"I'm here to help you survive" she says, signalling me to give her space so she can enter the room too.

"W-What do you mean by survive? Where is jungkook?"

Peering up at the way she carefully opens the gate, irises big and wide, afraid that someone might be here any second, I feel panic coarse through my veins when the hinges creak.

"Was that too loud?" Hyerin questions to which I shake my head in a no.

"What did you mean by survive? I'm confused" I mumble, sliding the piece of paper into my pocket but then the muscles of her chin start to tremble as she walks forward and engulfs me in a hug, making me limp back because of the fresh wound on my thigh getting brushed against her leg.

"Y/N" she sniffles, "you need to run away right now"

Run away right now?


With words stuck in my throat once I notice tears slide down her cheeks, I bite my tongue hard, fearing about what was going to happen next.

"They have...they have held jungkook down and t-tae says he will kill you tomorrow morning" hyerin finally manages to mutter, pointing at the cut on her forearm, "When I tried to stop taehyung, he threatened to kill me too"

But what have I done? I thought jungkook said he will bring jimin by tomorrow.

"But I haven't done anything" I say and slowly take steps back until the wall hits my shoulder, the tear stains on my face still fresh along with my eyelids which were beginning to get droopy both from crying and exhaustion.

How will I even run in such a stormy weather? That too when I'm injured and tired.

Once the thought of how dangerous it would be for me to go out right now settles in my brain, my heart leaps into my throat, leading me to suppress a shudder.

Hyerin runs fingers through her already messed up hair and wipes her face with her silk robe sleeves, looking so frustrated yet scared at the same time, "I'm not sure, tae just said it was something about a tattoo that he thinks you shouldn't have gotten"

The elite tattoo?

Gently pressing my hand on the area of my rib which had the ink printed, the ink that led to me getting stuck here, I glance outside and see trees swaying in pure violence.

The storm is at its peak.

"It wasn't my fault my dad gave me its design, I just thought it was a normal tattoo"

"Can I see it?"


"I-I just want to see the tattoo like what meaning does it hold? Why is he after your life just because of a simple design?"

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