9 - Secrets

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"Are you even listening to me?" The raven haired guy snaps his fingers in front of your face, bringing you back into reality.

"Why didn't you stop me from getting this tattoo damn it" you say, rubbing your hands against each other as your head starts to hurt again because of the vivid memory.

He will protect me but who is he?

"As if you'd stop if I told you to. I'd have to spend my precious time explaining everything and fighting your bodyguards" jungkook rolls his eyes "now tell me how did you get it?"

"I'm going to be honest although I know you won't believe me" you swallow a mouthful of saliva before proceeding to speak further.

Jungkook looks at you with eager eyes. However, it was pretty clear that he still thought you were a spy by the way his gun was lying next to him but pointing towards your direction.

"I'm not sir Kang's real daughter"


"That's not possible. Boss kang has always had a daughter" taehyung says, pressing the gas pedal.

"I know it might sound absurd but this is what is true. I'm not his daughter, my real name is-"

"That's enough. Tae hyung, right turn first stand. Hyungs are waiting" jungkook cuts you off mid sentence before you could even reveal your real identity.

"Where are they going to sit? There is no place" you say, glancing around the already full vehicle.

"I'll arrange that but for now, tell me everything you know about boss kang and his business. How many hitmen does he have? Where does he keep everyone he kidnaps?"

Kidnaps? He doesn't kidnap or commit murders. He only has a drug dealing business.

"What do you mean by hitmen and murders? My dad only runs a drug dealing business and that too just because we don't have other resources to earn from. We have bodyguards incase the rival gangs attack. My dad might seem rude and all but he's not associated to those things, he's a nice person" you reply all in one breath.

Jungkook's gaze suddenly turns dark as he tilts his head, his expression blank and empty with no hint of what he was be thinking about.

"Are you really so dumb? Don't you know anything? How old even are you? 12?" He asks in a mocking tone.

"Whatever I know, I've said it out loud. When are you going to let me go?"

"Y/N your dad is a fucking assassin, a mob boss okay? He kills people according to his preferences. He killed my parents, my men, my friends, our gang leader and you're saying he is a nice person? How do you think you got adopted by him? Where are your parents? Haven't you ever thought about that?"

My apa died in a car accident, my mom...I never knew anything about her.

"My apa had an accident and my mom....well I never got to see her. There's nothing that connects the link of my parents' death with sir kang. In fact, he has helped me through my darkest times"

Jungkook's cold stare sends shivers down your spine as he pushes the strands of his jet black hair away from his face, revealing the scar on his cheek.

"How can someone be so clueless" he sighs.

"Wait did she just say her real dad died in an accident? Hey y/n girl, explain things properly" taehyung says from the driver's seat.

"My apa was a part of a gang but he died when both of us fell from a cliff because he was busy protecting me although he was already shot on the arm. I don't remember much about that day but it was a nightmare" your eyes starts welling up with tears by just thinking about that horrible night.

"Who shot him?" Both of them ask together in a choir.

"I don't know" you answer through gritted teeth, trying to brim your tears away but also wanting to take revenge on whoever was responsible for his death.

"I swear to god if this is what I think it is, I'm going to fucking kill myself" jungkook groans.

"And the tattoo design..." you finally decide to tell the truth even if that meant giving up your secret identity because there was nothing left to lie about anyways "my apa gave it to me"

Silence. Just plain silence.

You didn't know why but you were expecting the men to react, to ask more questions, to try finding out about your apa who gave you the tattoo design and why but they don't say anything. There is just pin drop silence with everyone breathing heavily and taehyung's fingers tapping the steering wheel.

The night seemed to grow colder with each tree you passed since you were only wearing a skirt and the tattoo on your rib hurt because of the bandage starting to peel off. You felt completely drained of all the energy because of running but you couldn't say that in front of jungkook since it would only be an advantage to him.

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