23 - New Revelation

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With that said, taehyung barges out of the room without letting anyone else utter another word.

Me and jimin immediately move aside to let him pass but he still pushes my shoulder harshly and gives me a glare as if blaming me for whatever was going on inside this house.

"What the fuck is wrong with him" I mouth silently and take some steps back.

Cannot deny the fact that he scares me to be honest.

"He has anger issues" jimin whispers in my ear softly.

Looking towards his direction, I give him a little smile of assurance and nod my head before facing jungkook once again.

Yeah, must be that. Why would he hate me without any reason right?

The raven haired plops down on the bed and buries his face in his palms, letting out long, shallow breaths in an attempt to calm himself down.

All three of us stay in pressured silence for a couple of minutes until jimin decides to interrupt it.

"Kook, you should get going if you don't want hyung to be mad" he says.

Jungkook looks up at me and slightly tilts his head before speaking,

"I'll take y/n with me"

Wait what?

Me and jimin both glance at each other with widened eyes, my inner voice begging him to not let me go with this stupid gang leader and I guess he somehow heard it too?

"You can't, everyone is waiting for you in the white room"

w-white room? Isn't that a place where you keep your hostages and stuff to mentally torture them till they go insane...

Jungkook jolts up and drags his feet towards me without any hesitancy whilst keeping a strong eye contact with jimin all the time long.

Am I supposed to run away or...?

"I said I'll take her with me" he mutters through gritted teeth, making me gulp nervously.

Jimin trudges forward as well and pushes me behind his back in a protective way.

"Did you forget your own rules while making the hierarchy?" He chuckles.

Hierarchy? Alright my brain can't handle so much of information now.

"I can't let her move around freely, she's my hostage" he replies, emphasizing on the word 'my' purposely.

"I'll stay with her then, you can leave"

Jungkook now gets nearer to where I stood with jimin as the wall between us and stares right into my eyes, leading me to almost choke on my saliva.

"Are you going to be okay with jimin hyung? I'll be back in no time" he asks in a softened tone of voice.

Of course I'll be fine, I'll be fine in any place in which you are not present jeon.

"Y-Yeah" I stutter, fidgeting with my shirt's hem as I lower my head to get rid of his eye contact.

I don't even notice jimin leaving space for jungkook to get closer to my figure until he leans forward and pats my head.

A small lock of hair tumbles in front of my face, resting just in front of my cheek, but with one swift slide of his thumb, it gets brushed out of the way.

Wait what is he up to.

Before I get the chance to take a look at what he is doing or analyse what his next move might be,

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