24 - Divided

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Y/N's pov

My hand scratches the non existent itch at the back of my head as I try processing jimin's words.

"I-I don't understand anything" I stammer in a quiet voice.

"I know you don't, I'm only telling this to you so you can have a better idea about what is going on" he chortles before caressing my hair.

Unable to speak any further because of all the information that came in one shot, I remain silent.

"So...are there any more questions you want to ask?"

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, I part my lips to ask one last thing, "Does that mean you all don't work as a gang?"

This could actually prove to be a plus point for me because it will be easier to run off since there won't be anyone to help jungkook on his way of finding me.

Jimin blinks a few times and rubs the tip of his nose in a nervous manner, was he not expecting this question? Did I ask too much?

"It's divided, I mean we are divided" he mumbles.


"Everything is complicated" he says "me and yoongi hyung work in a pair whenever we have something assigned to do. Likewise, namjoon hyung and jin hyung work together and of course our last pair, jungkookie and tae"

Oh so they are actually broken.

Wait but what about the chocolate guy from a while ago?

"Does the guy who got scolded by jungkook go for missions alone?" I question.

An uneasy tension settles in the atmosphere and jimin's breathing hitches as soon as I mention that particular guy.

I shouldn't have asked.

"He cannot run or hold a gun but he is a part of us, always will be"

My mouth forms an 'o' while I bob my head, his words were kind of flying from above my head but it's okay.

So now we have a super arrogant gang leader, a guy who is a part of one of the most dangerous gangs in asia but cannot even run and a right hand who secretly hates me for reasons I'm not aware of? Wtf is going on.

I want to ask why he cannot run because that is like something anyone can do unless they're paralysed or have some ligament problem but I choose to stay silent.

It would be pretty insensitive of me to ask that question, seeing how jimin is about to burst into tears any second.

To slightly lighten up the mood, I try and ask something different;

"Jiminie, do you have a mistress too?"

Hearing my weird question, jimin laughs wholeheartedly and shakes his head.

"Only jungkook and taehyung have them. You know...since they are in a pair and work around the most, they feel like they need someone to help them relax?"

"Ah...so you don't need someone to help you relax?"

I was about to add 'that's nice of you, women aren't meant to be used as a relaxation toy' but I get cut off by him in an instant.

"Why? Do you want to volunteer?"

All men are the same.

"Yah what are you talking about!" I shout with my ears feeling warm after what I heard

"I was joking, I was joking" he giggles, stretching his arms.

"You better be" I mutter and huff out a breath but my eyes then travel to his bandaged arm which he had been constantly glancing at ever since he got here.

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