71 - Vroom Vroom

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"Jungkook can I talk to you for a second?" Yoongi's voice rings through jungkook's ear drums as he pulls the younger male by his arm.

"Do you want to sleep again?" He suspiciously quirks up a brow, letting himself get dragged by his brother.

"Well yeah that too but there's something more serious I need to talk about" yoongi huffs out a breath, "about namjoon and taehyung"

"Namjoon and taehyung?" Jungkook's voice automatically lowers itself once he eyes the other men walk through the corridor and when he spots you smiling with hoseok, he sighs in relief before agitating his focus back to yoongi.

"You're going to get yourself killed if you keep putting her safety as your first priority" the dark haired man chuckles as he leans against the living room's door.

"I'd be glad to do so" the younger shrugs without any hesitation.

"So, you know how much joon and tae used to hate each other where they barely even made eye contact right?"


"But well now it seems like they've made pretty good friends"


Not satisfied with jungkook's absent minded replies, Yoongi observes the way his body was here but his mind somewhere else, particularly towards where you and taehyung stood at the end of the corridor, the more taehyung edged himself closer to you, the more his jaw got clenched in rage.

"You doubt him, don't you?"

The sudden confidence in his voice makes jungkook turn his head towards him with amusement, "I really can't hide anything from you hyung"

"Well..." yoongi draws his car keys out and swings it around his index finger, "truly hurt to tell you your suspicion is correct, Kim Taehyung has become our dearest Judas I fear"

That sentence doesn't surprise the gang leader in the tiniest amount, "Knew it from the way he has that camera attached to his shirt's pocket" he mutters to himself.

Taehyung was smart everyone had to admit, but he had been working with jungkook in the same unit for so many years now. From stealing bread to robbing a bank, they always did their tasks together so it was obvious for jungkook to know what went inside his brother's brain. He was too easy to read.

"But that's not where it ends" yoongi exhales deeply, hauling the raven haired's attention to his words once again, "he's with namjoon and they're both working for boss kang"

"They really proved that stupidity doesn't have any limits" jungkook grits his teeth.

"I mean I understand tae is insecure because he thinks you might choose y/n over bangtan although she is a part of us, he has always feared you will leave the gang once you accomplish your main goal but why namjoon though? I don't think he's worried about you leaving, he knows how much this gang means to you"

Jungkook shifts his weight from one foot to the other and smiles, "he wants y/n"

"Huh?" Yoongi's irises dilate as he gapes his mouth open.

"And he doesn't want her because he likes her or adores her, he wants her because I have her for now, you know how he functions. He always-"

"He always wants what you want..." the older male claps his hands together and tosses his keys to the guy in front.

Jungkook grabs them with one of his hands before continuing, "I guess old habits never really fade away"

"He's pulling all these stunts just so he can put you down seriously?" Yoongi scoffs, "This is so much dangerous than what he thinks it is. Kang is a fucking manipulator when it comes to stuff regarding betrayal and jealousy. He will put joon into his bag without his realisation"

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