3 - Inked

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"I just like it the way it is" you reply, desperately trying to avoid his eye contact.

The room gets filled with awkward silence. It smelled like moth balls and sweat, a completely different environment which had earlier gone unnoticed by you because of your attention getting drawn to the other two guys.

Could this man be someone sent by your dad? Or your rival who has now recognised you? As those thoughts slowly begin to set in, your heart races faster. You could even hear the thumping outside your body. You thought it was loud to the extent where the other men inside this room could hear it too.

"Open your shirt" jungkook commands in a dull and tedious voice, bringing you back from your thoughts.


Who does he think he is to order you?

"Why do you look so surprised? Didn't you say you want a tattoo on your rib right today?" He murmurs and gets up from the reclining chair followed by the old man; the metallic legs of both their seats make a screeching sound.

For a moment, you had even forgotten about going half naked until jungkook reminded you.

"Do I need to open my whole shirt? Isn't just the side okay?" You ask, scratching the back of your neck as blood starts gushing up your cheeks.

"Open your shirt fully and lie down here. Daehyun you can go back home now, I'll lock the doors and come later" the 'uncle' says, scooting down in front of a cupboard as he tries to find what seemed like another tattoo gun.

"Finally" the youngest screeches in excitement before exiting the room without another word.

"Aren't you going to leave too?" You look at jungkook who was now pulling a plastic chair next to the reclining one with his hands in his pockets as if searching for something.

When he finally finds what you assume to be a pack of cigarettes, he grins widely.

"I came in first so why should I?" he questions, flicking one of those wrinkled toxic stick between his fingers.

"Because only me and the tattoo artist are supposed to be here. I feel uncomfortable undressing myself in front of a random guy" you raise your voice, slightly getting annoyed by how unreasonable the man sitting in front of you was.

"Chill babe I have seen women who are twenty times better than you. I'm just staying because my arm sleeve isn't completed yet"

"When did I even as-"

"Stop arguing kids, and jungkook, how many times do I need to tell you to not smoke in my shop" the old man says again, his voice kind of stern now.

"I'm not smoking today. There's a difference Jihun hyung... I keep this killer thing in between my lips but don't give it the fire to kill me. I love being dominant" he chuckles.

"Oh shut up" Jihun, the tattoo artists says, a small giggle hidden in the way he speaks.

You stand there stunned and not knowing what to do. Were you sure you still wanted the tattoo? Didn't you want to back off? Being half naked in front of two men you knew nothing about no longer looked like a nice idea.

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